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"Hyung... Wake up." Jimin slightly shook his hyung's shoulder, instantly waking him up. Yoongi shifted in his place, opening his eyes only to be hit by bright light.

"What time is it?" He asked in a morning voice, almost cringing at himself.

"It's almost noon. Jin Hyung wants us in the living room." Jimin said in a low voice.

Yoongi let his eyes adjust to the light before glimpsing at Jimin. He pressed his lips in a thin line when he saw the younger's puffy eyes. "Are you still crying about taehyung?" Yoongi asked, already knowing the answer.

Jimin took a second before shaking his head softly. "It's... It's fine." He sighed. Before Yoongi could respond or complain, Jimin was already making his way out of the room.

Yoongi glanced beside him to see the empty bed where hoseok was once laying. "Where's hoseok?" He asked as he stood up, barely stretching.

Jimin stopped to answer: "You let me sleep next to you instead of hoseok. Remember?" Without waiting for an answer, he made his way out of the room.

Yoongi frowned feeling the uncomfortable tension. Sighing, he took off to the bathroom before joining the inpatient group in his living room.

"What's up? Why are you all smiley and shit?"  Yoongi held back a giggle as he picked up a banana from the countertop.

Their heads snapped towards Yoongi's direction, smiles and relieved looks on their faces. "The school. We're going back."

"Oh, fucking hell is back," Yoongi whined, allowing his body to fall to the ground. After Jin picked him up and sat him down on the couch, he explained further.

He said that the school had posted
a statement explaining the murder case behind the gym. Apparently, they had proven that the whole situation was suicidal and nothing more. The guy's name was Myeonsu and his friends had confirmed that he was suicidal and often made such jokes.

"That means that the police had caught the real murderer and that you are safe Yoongi!" Namjoon beamed, relieved.

Yoongi ignored Namjoon's lack of honorifics and unconsciously frowned. Noticing the members' confused looks, he instantly eased down.

"And that means Taehyung's gone for nothing..."  Jimin whispered. Yoongi glanced at him and sighed.

"But why are you guys believing shit like that? What makes you guys sure the school hasn't paid awfully rich people to cover up the case?" Yoongi defensively asked.

Seokjin chuckled. "Why are you so defensive? Relax, bro. Aren't you happy?" 

Yoongi gulped. "About going to school? Fuck no. I was just about to sign in to a gym." He scoffed.

"Yoongi hyung, you're the type of person to join a gym and not go and then wonder why you aren't gaining any muscle."  Jungkook snorted, everyone, joining in except Yoongi who rolled his eyes.

Still, Yoongi couldn't believe the school would actually cover such brutal murder- not that he wanted it or anything, but they should've looked further into this. He could only feel anger, why wasn't it going according to plan?

He couldn't forget the look on the younger's face as he pushed him.


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