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Yoongi slowly turned around to see the owner of the voice. A soft sigh left his lips as he saw the smile on the younger's face. "Hey, Jimin."

Jimin yawned. "I think I'm gonna head back. I need sleep."

"Have you seen the others..?" By the word "others", Yoongi only meant Hoseok, but he wasn't going to embarrass himself by asking Jimin about Hoseok. He felt the tension, whether it was good or bad.

"Jin Hyung and Namjoon hyung are talking to some girls over there. Jungkook said he was getting some air in the front yard. Hoseok Hyung ... I'm not quite sure."


"Should I... Walk with you?" Yoongi asked after a while of silence. In all honesty, Yoongi just wanted to make sure Hoseok was at least safe back in his room, but the younger was too excited and Yoongi wasn't that cruel to ruin his mood.

"Yes, please!" The blonde shot Yoongi an eye smile, giving him no choice but to smile back. "I'll just get a drink before we leave," Yoongi informed and Jimin nodded, following behind.

"Oh wow! How didn't I see this part of the house before? Wait are these gummy bears?!" Jimin asked as his eyes scanned the various unfamiliar candy. "Nah dude, that's weed," Jackson informed, laughing at Jimin's expression.

"Isn't that illegal?" He whispered, directing his question to Yoongi. The older just shrugged and thought about what to get instead. "I'll get a beer,....?"

"It's Jackson."

"Yes, I'll get a beer, Jackson." Yoongi smiled.

"Alright. One beer coming up for?"


Jackson nodded and turned around to make Yoongi's special drink. Yoongi wouldn't drink something as boring as beer when there were much better options to choose from, and Jackson knew that. He was already used to the codes and Yoongi overall.

"Oh, my god. You don't know who Jackson is?" Jimin gasped with a hand on his mouth. Yoongi shook his head with a frown. "Am I supposed to know him?"

"Yes! Everyone knows him. He sells drugs and other bad stuff at school." Jimin informed. He gestured for Yoongi to get closer after looking around, whispering: "I heard he also sells Mariana."

"It's actually called marijuana." Jackson smiled, turning around with Yoongi's drink. Yoongi held back a laugh as Jimin gasped. "I'm sorry Mr. Jackson!"

"It's fine. It's not like you said anything wrong." He winked.


Yoongi kept sighing at every question Jimin asked, obviously tired.

"Do you know what Mar iguana tastes like?"

"It's marijuana. And no I don't. How would I know when I haven't tried it before?"

"Then how do you know how it's spelled?"

"Everyone knows, Jimin."

"Why is your beer so vibrant?"

Because it wasn't beer.

"I don't know. It's probably good quality or something."

"Can I try?"

"Absolutely not."

"Why? I can drink."

"Get your own beer."

"I'm too lazy."

"Then shut up."

After what felt like forever, and a few headaches from Jimin, they finally arrived at the shared room. Yoongi asked Jimin for the key and he said he had it. The older lost hope of finding Hoseok here. If Jimin had the key, then Hoseok couldn't have found a way to get inside. He asked Jimin one more time if he knew where hoseok was and Jimin just shrugged.

Yoongi sighed, walking alone to his room. He didn't know why he was worried, but he was. He couldn't help but think Hoseok was drugged.

"Aish..." He ruffled his hair in frustration. Sighing for the hundredth time, he decided not to think of it so much. Hoseok was probably having fun somewhere while Yoongi was worrying for nothing.

The brunette made it to his shared room and reached for the key card in his pocket. Even though every pair was allowed to have only one key, probably to give the pair no choice but to stick together, Yoongi couldn't bare the idea. He told the receptionist that he and his roommate have lost their key card and he took another one.

Speaking of his roommate, Yoongi assumed Hoshi was inside since there was noise in there. At first, Yoongi couldn't quite tell what was happening inside, but as he quietly entered and listened closely, he could make out words. There wasn't just Hoshi inside.

"It's so big! you sure I can take it?"


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