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The group went back to yoongi's house to watch more movies. Yoongi begged them to leave because it was already twelve am. But they only ignored him.

"Oh, Yoongi! You have to show me your studio! Come on!" Jin pushed his out of his room.

"For the last time, it's just a room where my single ass piano is and-- why are you pushing me?!" Yoongi squirmed.

"Just hurry up! I really want to see it- whatever it is!" Jin giggled with the rest if the friend group- except jungkook- behind him.

Yoongi was pushed all the way to the piano room and was stopped right in front of the door.

"Alright lovely, let's go inside." Jin clasped his hands together.

He opened the door and saw jungkook already inside, sitting on the one coach that was inside.

"Oh..hey Jungkook...?" Yoongi cocked an eyebrow and jungkook mirrored his expression.

Jin cleared his throat and smiled awkwardly. "Okay so uh, don't freak out okay?"

"About what? I don't understa--"

In one swift movement, jin pushed yoongi inside the room and slammed the door close, locking it instantly after.

He held his fist up and mouthed a "yes!" to the other guys.

"What the fuck? What are you guys doing?"

They heard yoongi s muffled voice from inside, followed by a door knob click.

The door didn't budge so yoongi tried again and again. "Did you fucking lock the door? What is happening?"

He turned around and saw jungkook with the same angry annoyed expression he had. Then it hit both of them.

"Are you locking me in here with Jungkook? Oh hell no!" He banged on the door.

"What the actual fuck hyungs? Are you aware of the fact that yoongi might just kill me?!"

"I will kill him! I will kill him if you don't open the door!"

"No you won't yoongi. You two need to learn to bond and accept eachother's flaws. You won't be getting out of here until you're besties." Jin told.

"Oh my god! Jungkookie!! I love you so much! You're my bestie for ever. Mwah mwah."

"Awww, thank you so much Yoongi hyung. You're my bestie for life too! I love you more!"

"Oh don't be silly you little jungkookie! I clearly love you more!--"

"I'm not falling for that yoongi. Now excuse us while we watch some movies." Jin rolled his eyes and life with everyone else to yoongi's room.

"Fuck You hyung!"


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