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"It's so big! You sure I can take it?"

Yoongi's eyes went wide as he instantly recognized the all too familiar voice. He slammed the door close and burst into the bedroom, earning gasps from both males.

"What the heck is-... oh." To say the oldest was embarrassed would be an understatement. He saw both Hoshi and Hoseok in onesies and a literally big tiger plushie in Hoseok's hands. The duo looked at Yoongi with confusion as they froze in place.

"I-i thought ... nevermind." The brunette cleared his throat and looked the other way. He stared at the mirror, pretending to fix his hair. He bit his lip to fight the urge of asking Hoseok if he was okay or what he had been doing at the party.

The other two shrugged at one another. "Well, uh, I'll get going now. I'm sure you want to sleep anyway." Hoseok started, standing up from the comfortable bed. "Are you still sure I can keep this big ass plushie? It's like, half my size!" He added, laughing with a hand on his mouth.

"Of course, man. I'm sure. The onesie too. You know, you need something to remember me." Hoshi assured.

"Aww, don't worry. I'll never forget you anyways. You have my number, text me when you feel lonely."

"Then I'll text you all the time."

"And I won't mind."

Yoongi cringed at their conversation. Or was it jealousy? Hoseok never talked like this with him before--- what the fuck! What am I thinking?!

Yoongi shook his head to snap out of his thoughts. He glanced back in the mirrors at the two boys as they made their way to the door. "Thanks, Hoshi." He smiled. "Always, Hobi. See you tomorrow." Hoseok waved and left with a dumb smile on his face.

Hobi? Since when did Hoshi start calling him that?

"What?" The blonde asked when he noticed Yoongi's intense death stare through the mirror. "Nothing." The older simply replied. Hoshi rolled his eyes as he sat down on his side of the bed,typing a quick message to Hoseok with a smile on his face.


Hoseok felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He struggled to pull out his phone as the tiger plushie was between his hands, thought at last he finally managed to take a hold of it. He smiled at the notification.

Hoshi🐯💯: I'm already bored >:( Anyways, what do you wanna.....

The notification only showed much of the message. Hoseok tapped on it,moving to the messaging app.

Hoshi🐯💯: im already bored >:( Anyways, what do you wanna do tmr? Ya have smth in mind?

Me: we should've been
roommates instead so you
never get bored.

Idk yet. Let's go to the beach?

Hoshi🐯💯: sounds great

Me: aight. I'll tell the rest
of my friends :D


Hoseok didn't wait for a reply as he shoved his phone back in his pocket. He knocked on his room door, waiting for jimin to open. After a second, a frowning jimin in his pajamas opened the door. "Where were you?" He asked, crossing his hands over his chest. The red haired ignored him, walking past him. The younger scoffed in annoyance at the lack of attention he got. "I'm talking to you." He repeated, waiting for an answer. Instead of answering, hoseok kept smiling to himself as he placed down the tiger toy and proceeded to unlock his phone.

"Hyung! Answer Me!" To be honest, jimin didn't like being ghosted by a person he looked up to. Hoseok was somewhat surprised that an angry Jimin used honorific, however, he didn't show it.

The younger was slowly but surely losing it. He wasn't mostly worried about his hyung, but he was slightly annoyed at Yoongi's obvious anxiousness towards hoseok. "Yoongi hyung was worried about you." He tried.

Hoseok chuckled, not bothering to look at jimin. "No he wasn't." He answered matter-of-factly. Jimin cocked an eyebrow at him. "But he was."

The red haired finally turned around, facing the younger as he put on an obvious fake smile. "Okay, Jimin. If you really wanna know, I was in Hoshi's room. Oh and yoongi saw me there. He wasn't the slightest bit worried."

Jimin was fuming. How was hoseok so chill while Yoongi was literally freaking out about him? "Who's the whore now?"

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