Chapter 16 - Relaxing and Unexpected Guests

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*Kennedy's P.O.V*

Everyone was sat in the living room of Alice's parents house (well, soon to be old house) and we were all completely silent. Well, everyone except for Alice was had fallen asleep after half an hour of sobbing and screaming whenever someone other than Leo tried to touch her.
'This is why it should have been buried with the rest of him!' Alice's mother said, finally breaking the silence.
'He was my twin brother. He died too young and I needed something to remember him by!' Her father hissed back.
'Then a picture, or some of his belongings! Not a freaking skull dad!' Sarah said, holding Lilly close to her. 'Seeing that skull will have opened up painful memories for her and she'll go back to how she was after he first... oh my god she's going to paranoid at the wedding!'
'She'll be fine before then, Sarah. We still have a month and last time she was back to normal after two weeks!' Mrs James said.
'Yeah, except for when anyone surprised her or raised their voice to her. Then she would burst into floods of tears.' I mumbled, staring off into space.
'What did he do? It must have been bad to make her go this paranoid.' Blue asked. Sarah sighed.
'He used to beat her. Told her that the youngest child was always the unloved one. Then when Lilly came along, that turned into the middle child is the unloved one. Mom called the police on him eventually and he swore that he would break out of jail and find her. Two weeks later he was found dead in a ditch, a letter to Alice in his hand that basically said that even in death he would hurt her. Scared her senseless.' Sarah explained, rubbing Lilly's back.
'I'll take her home.' Leo muttered. A chorus of "okays", "goodnights" and "byes" followed as Leo walked upstairs and then outside.
'We should go to.' Blue said, turning to Tobey who hummed in agreement. The same chorus sounded them off.
'Take me home slave.' I said, getting up and walking out, the same three words following us.

*Alice's P.O.V*
My eyes shot open. It was dark, my breathing was rugged and I was covered in sweat.
'Good morning.' A voice said, causing me to look towards the door. 'You okay?' Leo asked, walking over and lying down next to me.
'Yeah. Bad dream.' I whispered. Leo leant down and kissed me softly. My uncle's words echoed through my head, 'unloved' being the one that echoed the most. To prove him and myself that he was wrong, I knotted my fingers into Leo's hair and kissed him back as hard as I could. After a minute, we both pulled back.
'Someone's eager.' Leo said, his breathing heavy.
'Less talk, more kiss.' I said, crashing my lips once more onto Leo's. A moment later he pulled away and rested his forehead on mine.
'I've got to go to the set.' He muttered.
'You're leaving me alone?!' I asked, fear flooding my voice.
'Kennedy called a few moments ago. She and Blue are gonna come over because Tobey has to go see the director about something and Paul's needs to see his cousin because it's her birthday.' Leo muttered, pecking my lips again.
'I'll miss you.' I called as he walked towards the door.
'As will I. I'll miss you a little too.' He joked. I sighed and smiled, listening to the front door open then close. My eyes flickered to the alarm clock on Leo's bedside table. 7:30.
'For God's sake!' I exclaimed, pulling the covers over my head.

'Hey Alice!' I heard Kennedy call from through the door.
'Hey.' I called back, although it came out muffled as I had my face stuffed with pasta.
'Attractive.' Blue muttered as they walked in and sat down. 'How ya feeling today?' I swallowed my mouthful and nodded.
'A bit shaken up, but I'm alright.' I said, smiling slightly.
'Good. Because we are going on a SPA DAY!' Kennedy yelled. I giggled. Excited Kennedy was a Kennedy that everybody liked.

'Hi, we have an appointment for twelve under the name Rae.' Kennedy said as we entered the front desk.
'Kennedy?' The woman asked which made Kennedy nod. 'Right this way girls.' We followed her into a room. Three beds were lined up as well as a hot tub in one corner and steam room in the other.
'Wow.' We all said in unison.
'If you would like to get into your bathing suits and get in the hot tub, the boys will be here soon.' The lady smiled before getting out. We all went into separate corners and got changed before getting into the steaming hot tub.
'Remind me to tell Paul that I want one of these!' Kennedy said, sinking down so only her head was visible.
'What, a hot tub or A SPA ROOM!' Blue asked, emphasising her words by gesturing to the room behind us.
'Well that all depends on how today goes.' Kennedy said, ducking under and then resurfacing. 'Damn that's hot.' She gasped, causing us to giggle.

After about half an hour, we heard the door open and three very attractive, very tan men walked in.
'Where are the brides to be?' One of them asked.
'I don't wanna marry Leo.' I muttered.

'You girls are very tense. When was the last time you had a massage?' One of the men, Lucas, asked as he massaged me.
'A long time ago.' Kennedy sighed.
'Meaning?' One of the other men, James, asked.
'Never.' Blue said before letting out a long sigh. I giggled as Lucas hit my pressure point.
'Very sorry Alice.' He said.
'Wait, I'm the only one who gave my name.' Kennedy said, suddenly worried.
'Kennedy. We're marrying movie stars! Get used to complete strangers knowing your name!' I mumbled.

'Hello?' I called into the house, wary after seeing an unfamiliar car in the drive way. 'Leo?'
'Guess again!' The voice of Satan called back.
'Oh no.' I muttered, walking into the living room. There, reclined on the sofa as if she owned the place, was my stuck up cousin Cassidy, her snobby husband Peter and their surprisingly sweet baby Laura.
'Hey baby sweet thing!' Cassidy said, getting up and hugging me.
'What are you doing here?' I asked, pulling out of the hug.
'When aunt MiMi called saying that baby Alice was getting married to a movie star, I had to see for myself!' She giggled sitting back down.
'Has... Has said movie star been home yet?' I asked.
'Yeah, he's cute.' Cassidy said, winking. I sighed and sat down. 'So, let's talk meeting!' Cassidy said, turning towards me. I sighed.
'Actually, it was an arranged marriage. Me and Leo went to school together, but we hated each other. However, I have grown to care for and love him.' I said, pulling Laura onto my lap.
'So sweet! So when's the wedding?' Peter asked.
'In a month.' I said, braiding Laura's hair.
'ALICE! YOU HERE? WHO'S CAR IS AGGGHHH!' Kennedy screamed as she and Blue entered the room. Cassidy grimaced but suddenly smiled when she saw Tobey and Paul enter the room.
'Ken Ken. Baby blue. So good to see you both.' She said hugging them both. As she forced the girls to introduce her to the movie stars, I stood up with a now sleeping Laura on my hip.
'I'ma go put her to sleep.' I said, knowing that my cousin wasn't listening.

I lay Laura down, covered her up and went to leave when I heard a whimper behind me.
'What's wrong baby?' I asked. Laura whimpered again and pointed towards the cupboard door. I sighed and walked over, opening the door and looking around. 'Hmm mm, nope. No monsters. Only that one in the bed.' I said, pointing towards Laura who giggled before growling playfully at me. I told her a quick story and tucked her back in before getting up to go back downstairs.
'Never be like your mummy Laura. Never ever.' I sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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