Chapter 4 - Wedding Planning

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'We may not be getting along, but my god. Can he decorate a house! I mean everything goes with everything! The colours are amazing and...'
'BLUE!' I cut her of. 'This is meant to be our catch up day. You know, where it is just about us?' I reminded her. She looked at me as if to say, "I'm sorry" and "what do you take me for, an idiot?" We all laughed and drank some more of the drinks we had ordered from the cafe. After another two hours of shopping, we decided to head home.

'LEO. I'M HOME!' I shouted.
'OKAY.' Was yelled back at me. I walked up to our room and started to put all my shopping away. As I reached the halfway point, the phone rang.
'Hi sweetie.'
'Hey mom. What's up?'
'We need to start some wedding planning. You and Leo need to meet me, your father and his parents at the restaurant we introduced you two at.'
'Mom, you didn't introduce us you...'
'You know what I mean young lady! Kennedy and Blue will also be there with their families so you lot can all have a table and us adults will have one as well.'
'Okay. When shall we aim to be there?'
'In about half an hour.'
'Okay. See you then.' I hung up the phone and threw it on the bed before getting changed.

Leo parked the car outside the restaurant. I could already spot all the adults cars and Paul's car meaning we were still waiting for Tobey and Blue. We got out of the car and started to walk towards the restaurant. As we neared the door, Leo threaded our fingers together so it looked like we were happy. What felt like a bolt of electricity shot up my arm, but i shook it off as we walked inside. Mine, Leo's, Blue's and Tobey's mother's were waiting by the door talking. As soon as me a Leo entered, our mother's took us to a six seated table where Paul and Kennedy were already sitting. I slid in next to my friend while Leo sat opposite me.
'I missed you.' I said hugging Kennedy.
'You saw each other this morning.' Leo said.
'Well to a girl that is a long time.' Kennedy said, her arms still wrapped around my shoulders. A waiter soon came and ordered our drinks.
Me: cola
Kennedy: cola
Leo: beer
And we also ordered Blue a cola and Tobey a beer. Not long after the drinks arrived, Tobey and Blue sat down. Our mothers all came over with folders. They sat one in front of each of us.
'Okay. Girls, in your folder there are bridesmaids dresses, bridal dresses, hair styles, flowers, jewellery, make up designs, shoes and veils. Boys, in yours there are suits and other things you need (a/n I'm not too sure what men plan for the wedding which is only for them so...). When you choose something, put a ring around it. After you've all finished, we'll come back with a folder with venues and things like that in. But before you do any of that, you need to come up three colour schemes.' And with that, our mothers left.
Me Kennedy and Blue looked a each other.
'Okay. You guys can also choose a colour but we have three very specific colours that we always stick to. Mine is green, Blue's is red and Alice's is blue.' Kennedy said.
'That is fine with us.' Tobey said.
'What colours do you guys want?' Blue asked.
'Black?' They all said as if it was a question. We all shrugged and started to look through the folders.
'Oh, I love black.' Blue randomly said.
After a while, me, Kennedy and Blue had chosen all of our things and the boys had chosen their things.
'Oh yeah girls, my college friend Chris is having a party at his house. Wanna go?' Kennedy asked. We nodded.
'So, Alice you wanna be the designated driver or live a little and get wasted?' they knew the answer to that. I never got drunk.
'Guys, you already know the answer. In large quantities, alcohol burns my throat and make me really ill.' I reminded them.
'Oh well, means we can get wasted!' Kennedy said to Blue, who then started to cheer and dance. We all looked at her with the same expression. "What the fuck?"
'What can't I be happy that I get to get wasted?' She asked. I turned to Tobey.
'This is what you have to deal with. Thank you for lifting us of the burden.' I said, pointing at Blue.
'OI!' I heard from behind me.
After another hour, we had chosen venues, bridesmaids, groomsmen, guests lists and dates. Then, we left so us girls could get ready for the party.

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