Chapter 7 - Love and Hate

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I looked at my phone as soon as the text had sent. Had I made a bad decision? Would he hate me now? Great, now I was going to have to live with this! I sat back against the sofa, pulled my knees up to my chest and lay my arms and head on them and just sat there.

I heard the door open and slam shut and my heart skipped a beat. My body tensed. He was angry. I sighed and looked up. Hot lips were crashed onto mine. After a minuet, Leo pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. Both of us breathing heavily.
'That was the best first kiss ever.' I whispered. Instead of replying, Leo crashed his lips back onto mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and threaded my hands in his hair. He placed his hands under my thighs and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and slightly ground my hips into his. He moaned into my mouth which turned me on, causing me to moan, which in turn turned him on. He carried me upstairs to our room and lay me on the bed before giving me the best night of my life...

My eyes flickered open. I instantly knew I was in bed and that I was naked. I was laying on my front. Half of my back was covered with duvet, the other half with skin. I moved slightly, accidentally waking Leo up.
'Good morning hot stuff.' He said in his hot morning voice. I hummed and rolled over so that I was facing him.
'Morning handsome.' I said, my voice croaky from having just woken up.
'God I love your morning voice.' He growled, leaning down to kiss my neck. All of a sudden, WE WILL ROCK YOU by Queen blasted out.
'Shit! I have college.' I said, shooting out of bed. I pulled on some jeans and a t - shirt, pulled on my heeled boots and denim jacket, pulled a brush through my hair and grabbed my bag. I walked over to Leo's side of the bed and kissed him hard on the lips.
'What time will you be back.' He asked,after I had pulled away.
'One. You?' I asked.
'Half four.' I pecked his lips once more before running downstairs and out to my car.

'MY BITCH!' Amy screamed as I entered the classroom. I took my seat next to her a sighed.
'So what's going on with you and Kennedy. I saw her yesterday and she was really upset.' Amy stated.
'We fought and I abandoned her at a party.' I said, as if it wasn't a big deal. Amy sighed.
'And how are things with Mr DiCaprio?' She asked, expecting me to go on about how horrid my life is with him.
'He took my virginity last night.' I said, not meeting her eyes. Just before she could question me, Mr Davidson walked in and started the lesson.

I walked through the front door and threw my bag into the living room. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of crisps, just before the phone rang. I looked at the number and sighed. It was Kennedy's new home number.
'You get over here now! You and Kennedy have got to make up!' Blue's voice demanded.
'Fine. Wait, I thought you had college til four?'
'Called in sick! And the boys are here so come over!'
'But the boys have work!'
'Alice. I am Blue! I have my ways!'
'You called them and said me and Kennedy attacked each other didn't you?'
'... Maybe.'
I sighed. 'Why?'
'Well if I did this on my own you would have anyway so...'
'Give me five minuets.' I said, before clicking the button to end the call. I finished my crisps, drank a quick glass of water and went and got in my car.

I pulled up outside Kennedy's house and sighed. This could either end really well or really badly! I got out car and looked up as the front door opened and Blue walked out. I sighed and followed her inside.
'This is for everyone's safety.' Blue said.
'What?' I asked. But before she answered, she grabbed my left arm and Leo grabbed my right. Kennedy had Tobey on her left and Paul on her right.
'Okay. Ever since you two have fallen out, it has made life harder for people around you. So, you need to make up.' Blue said.
'Oh we need to make up do we Blue? We need to make up? Like we needed to be friends in the first place? Huh?' Kennedy said, her voice raising.
'Just apologise to each other and we can all go home!' Blue said.
'I have nothing to apologise for.' Kennedy said, still looking at Blue.
'Nothing? You have absolutely nothing to apologise for? How about in year three when you pushed me into a wall and didn't apologise? How about year six when you pushed me down a flight of stairs? Or year nine, when you forgot my birthday? Year ten, when you made my one hundred page essay on Shakespeare into one hundred paper aeroplanes and launched them into a swimming pool? Or how about when you accused me of cheating which is why we are here in the FIRST PLACE!' I yelled, scaring everybody.
'Alice, I'm so...'
'Don't you dare apologise Kennedy Jane Prince. You are a selfish human being who doesn't think about other people's feelings. And the only way that I will ever accept your apology, is if you save my fucking life. Now, are we done here?' I asked, looking at Blue, who's mouth had fallen open at my rant. I slipped my arms out of hers and Leo's grips and stormed to my car, and drove home.

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