Chapter 10 - Tell me you love me

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A/N - This chapter is in Kennedy's P.O.V

I punched the wall again.
'Would you please stop that? I kinda like that wall.' Paul said.
'She just angers me so much! She lists all the things i didn't apologise for, and then, when I go to apologise, she stops me and storms off! I just don't understand!' I said, absolutely fuming. Paul sighed.
'For all you know something has happened at school or at home and she just needs something to rant about! It might even be over by the end of the week.'
'That isnt the only thing though. Oh no. She is always the one that me and Blue protect. All throughout school with all the shit you three put us through, it was me and Blue comforting her. Did she ever comfort us? Nope fuckity nope nope no!' I ranted. Paul shook is head and sighed.
'I'm going to bed.' He said before walking out of the room. I took one lat swing at the wall before following him up.

College the next day angered me even more. My math tutor yelled at me because I forgot my homework, my English teacher gave us a surprise exam on The Tempest, my science teacher made me clean up some spilt acid that the college slut Bethany spilt. I just needed something to make my heart glow again. And I knew just what would do that. I had been thinking about doing this for a long time. As I walked through the front door, I inhaled and exhaled before walking into the living room where Paul was sat.

'I love you.' I said quickly. Paul looked at me. He didn't say anything. 'Please Paul, say something. My life has been crap at the moment and I don't need to know that I have just made a complete idiot of...' Lips were pressed against mine. I wrapped my hands around his neck and jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist.
'I love you too.' Paul said, breathless from the kiss. I reattached our lips and pushed Paul back onto the sofa, unbuttoning his top in the process.

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