Chapter 11 - Dress Shopping

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*Alice's P.O.V*
I sighed as my eyes fluttered open. My head ached like hell! I tried to stretch but there was something weighing me down. Or should I say, someone. I managed to turn over and looked at Leo's sleeping face. His hair fell over his face and his lips were parted ever so slightly in the middle. I smiled and placed a kiss on his lips. Not even a second later, I felt him kiss back. After a moment, it turned into a make out session. Leo was the one to pull away.
'Well that was the best wake up call ever.' He mumbled in his husky morning voice. I giggled and pecked his lips once more. A glass if water and aspirin were on my bedside table.
'You're the best.' I said before swallowing one of the pills. I felt the bed shift behind me and soft kisses placed on my back where my pyjama top didn't cover. Leo trailed kisses up to behind my right ear, where he knew my soft spot was. I let out a quiet moan and I felt Leo smirk against my neck. Just as his kisses started to get rougher, the phone rang.
'Hey Alice, Its mom.'
'Hey mom. What's up?' I bit back a moan as Leo sucked my soft spot.
'I was just wandering what time you would be home from college?'
'I was actually going to call in ill because I have a hangover.'
'Okay well. Alyssa May Bellwood you got drunk?' My mother gasped.
'Yes I am such a rebel. Doing something that nobody else my age does.' Leo laughed against my neck causing me to bite back another moan.
'Okay, don't get sarcastic with me young lady. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to go dress shopping later?'
'Yeah sure. Pick me up at twelve?'
'Okay, see you then honey. Go and give Mr DiCaprio the attention he wants.'
'Alice you forget that I was once a teenager and I know what a bitten back moan sounds like. See you at noon.' I hung up the phone.
'You are dead.' I hissed, pushing Leo back onto the bed and climbing on top of him. He laughed, looked up at me and tucked a price of hair behind my ear.
'You're so beautiful.' He whispered. I sighed and shook my head, rolling off him and getting up. 'Alice!' I heard him call as I walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and started to make myself some toast. 'What's wrong?' Leo asked, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.
'I'm not beautiful Leo. Its plain for everyone to see.' I mumbled, taking my toast out and spreading nutella on it. Leo sighed and kissed my neck.
'You are beautiful, Alice. Whoever told you otherwise?' I turned around to face him, holding my plate on both my hands.
'You.' I said, looking him straight in the eye. I walked past him into the living room, taking a bite out of my toast.
'I thought we were passed this!' Leo said, his voice louder than usual.
'We are, its just, everything you did won't just go away. Little things will bring back memories and it will take a while for them to completely go!' I said, finishing my toast. Leo walked forward, put his hands on my hips and rested his forehead against mine.
'I am going to say something, and you have to promise me that you will not freak out or yell.' He whispered.
'I promise.' I sighed.
'You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.' Leo whispered, moving his head so his lips were level to my neck. I sighed but remembered my promise. Leo's hands trailed my sides and a giggled. He stopped kissing my neck and looked at me with an amused face.
'Are you ticklish?' He asked. I shook my head but knew it was too late. Leo's hands and fingers ran up and down my sides, throwing me into a laughing fit. My knees went weak underneath me and we fell to the floor. Leo stopped tickling me and looked at me. He pressed his lips against mine and I tangled my fingers in his hair. I giggled and my eyes flickered to the clock. Eleven.
'Shit my mom'll be here in an hour!' I said, wriggling out from underneath Leo and running upstairs. I showered, got changed and ran downstairs with two minuets to spare. My mom honked her horn outside. I gave Leo a quick kiss before running outside.

*Kennedy's P.O.V*
My eyes fluttered open and I sighed. Never in a million would I have ever imagined that Paul Rudd would be the one to kill my innocence (or what was left of it after being friends with Blue (so many innuendos)). I stretched and felt Paul's arms tighten around my waist.
'Kennedy.' He mumbled. I hummed back. 'I need to tell you something.' He said. I turned over and looked at him. This was where he shoots me down in flames. 'I love you too' he whispered. I laughed and pushed him in the chest.
'You worried me you dick!' I said, rolling over and straddling him. Before I knew what was happening, he thrust up into me.

After another round, we had both managed to be up and out of bed. We were both sat on the sofa, eating our breakfast and talking about the wedding, when the phone rang.
'Hey Ken, it's mom.'
'Wow, you haven't called me that in a long time. Its usually "mum" or something from the rude language collection.'
'Whatever. What can I do for you?'
'I was wondering if you wanted to go dress shopping with me later?'
'Sure, sounds great.'
'Okay. I'll pick you up later. Bye honey.'
'Bye mom.' I sighed and looked at the clock. Eleven. I got up and got ready. By the time I was done, it was five to twelve.
'You realise you were in the shower for half a hour right?' Paul asked I laughed and shrugged. A car horn beeped outside. I walked over and kissed Paul hard on the lips.
'See you later.' I smiled. Paul replied with another kiss before I walked outside to where my mother was waiting.

*Blue's P.O.V*
My eyes flickered open and instantly shut again due to the shaft of light flooding into our room. My stomach growled. I sighed and tried to get up, waking Tobey up in the process.
'Nooo.' He wined.
'Tobey. I'm hungry! I need to get up!' I said, trying to break out of his grip. But it was no use.
'But your warm!' He wined again. I sighed and relaxed against him. He nuzzled his face into my hair and sighed.
'I love you.' I whispered.
'I love you too.' He mumbled. His grip loosened and I bolted out of bed.
'Now that isn't fair.' Tobey said as I pulled my dressing gown on.
'Life isn't fair baby.' I said. My phone started to ring from my bedside table.
'Yes?' I asked.
'Is that anyway to speak to your mother young lady?' The voice of doom asked.
'Sorry mother.' I yawned, walking downstairs into the kitchen.
'You want to go dress shopping today?' She asked. I instantly brightened.
'Yes yes yes!' I chanted.
'Okay okay! Be ready at twelve.' She laughed.
'Okay!' I hung up and wolfed down my breakfast, shot upstairs, took a showers, did my hair and got dressed with only five minuets to spare.
'And I think that beats Alice's record!' I said, walking into the living room. I saw my mother's car pull up outside.
'See ya later.' I said, quickly kissing Tobey before bolting outside.

*Alice's P.O.V*
My mother parked the car outside of a beautiful little shop. I heard car doors shut to my left and saw Kennedy and Blue getting out of their cars. I hugged Blue and nodded at Kennedy. We weren't exactly fighting anymore, just not exactly friends. The three of us followed our mothers into the shop, Lilly holding my hand.
'Hi. Hello! I'm Chrissy, my mother owns this shop. How may I help you today?' The girl asked in a chripy voice which I honestly found annoying.
'These three need bridal dresses and this one needs three flower girls dresses as they all chose her as their flower girl.' My mother explained. Chrissy nodded.
'Well please look at the dresses. I'm sure we have what you are looking for!' She said. Me, Kennedy and Blue nodded and went over to the vast racks of white.

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