Chapter 6 - A Sick Sis A Sad Sis and Shocking News

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My eyes fluttered open and then instantly closed from the shaft of light peeping in from through the curtains. Memories of yesterday came flooding back into my mind and tears instantly stang my eyes. I wiped them away and walked into the bathroom. I took a quick shower, got dressed and went downstairs. I put some waffles in the toaster and got out the nutella. As I was starting to eat one, the phone started to ring. I picked it up and put it to my ear.
'Hey sweetheart. You couldn't do a massive favour could you?'
'Sure mom, what is it?'
'Could you come and look after Lilly please. She has a stomach ache and me and your father have work and Sarah's at Derek's so who knows what time she'll be back.'
'Sure. I'll be over in five.' I said before hanging up the phone. I shoved the rest of my waffles down my throat, threw back a glass of apple juice and wrote Leo a note (not that he would care).

'Thank you so much Alice.' My mom said before rushing out the door, already late for work. I walked in, closed the door behind me and walked upstairs. I went all the way down the hall and entered Lilly's room. The curtains were closed, the light was off and Lilly had the blankets tucked right up to her chin. I knelt down and stroked her hair. Her eyes fluttered open.
'Ally?' She mumbled.
'Hey babes. You feel okay?' I whispered. She shook her head. 'Okay, well you've got a bowl here in case you are sick. I am just downstairs so all you have to do is yell okay?' I asked, still stroking her hair. She nodded and closed her eyes.
I walked downstairs, put the TV on and made myself a hot chocolate. I watched three Simpsons episodes, two friends episodes and half an episode of you're been framed when the door slammed and Sarah walked in.
'Can you be quiet? Lilly's asleep.' I said. She looked at me and nodded. But tears were fresh in her eyes. 'What's wrong?' I asked.
'Derek cheated on me!' She cried. My mouth fell open. I had never liked him. I had gone to both primary and secondary with his younger brother who was a nasty piece of work so... I opened my arms and my older sister instantly accepted my hug. She cried into my shoulder for a good five minuets before sitting up.
'Cheer me up. How are things with you and Mr DiCaprio?' She asked. I shrugged. 'Oh come on. Its obvious to everyone but the parents can see that you two are miserable are together!'
'Yeah... Can I ask you something?' I looked down at my hands.
'Sure babes.' Sarah put her arm around me.
'When you hold someone's hand, and you get what feels like a bolt of electricity through your hand, what does it mean?' I asked, not looking up.
'Leo?' Sarah asked. I nodded, not meeting her eyes. 'You're in love baby sis!' My head snapped up to see Sarah grinning at me. I zoned out. Did I love Leo?

'LEO! I'M HOME!' I called. No response. I walked into the kitchen and saw a piece of paper on the side.
Alice, gone to a meeting for Man in the Iron Mask. Be back at half six. Leo.
I looked at the clock. Six fifteen. Fifteen minuets. I went and sat in the living room, thinking about what Sarah had said. After a minuet of thinking I grabbed my phone and clicked on Leo's contact.
I think I love you...

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