𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮.2

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"Al'leia hurry the uber's gonna leave soon!" Namjoon screams from downstairs. I let out a loud huff as i stare at myself in the mirror, my flat ironed burgundy hair out into a low ponytail with strands framing my face. I look at my ripped jeans and open buttoned down shirt with a black crop top under it. I nod, accepting my appearance before rushing down the stairs seeing an annoyed namjoon typing on his phone. He glared at me playfully before grabbing my hand and rushing us out the house.

Time skip cause I'm lazy

They make their way to the top floor of the large apartment complex. The penthouse. She looks around in amazement as the elevator doors open to a large living room coated in gold and black, looking classy yet homey at the same time. Four people littered on the couch drinking to their heart's content and the others passed around a bong. The smell of marajuana and food in the air, cause Al'lia's stomach to growl. Not going unnoticed by her best friend, he chuckles before dragging her along to the kitchen. The two waved at Yoongi, Alex, Jungkook, And Jimin in the living room. Reaching the kitchen she sees a tall male with broad shoulders leaning over the oven taking out the last dish he cooked. Startled by their presence he jumps slightly, quickly placing down the baking dish and glares at his best friend. "You scared the fuck out of me joon." He playfully scolds him before he smiles giving him a bro hug before his gaze goes to me. A dark look in his eyes as he smiles. "You must be fenty. The boys next victim." He half jokes, reaching his hand out for me to shake. I shake his hand with confusion written through my eyes then look at Namjoon who stares at Jin with a 'bro wtf face.' "I'm joking these fuckers can barely do shit themselves."

"Speak for yourself asshole." A deep voice speaks from behind me, startling me as he pours himself a cup of whiskey. Taehyung smiles at me before giving Namjoon a bro hug as well. "Fenty darling. Surprised to see you outside of the club. And fully clothed at that." He gives me a mischievous smirk as he looks me up and down before grabbing my hand and placing his cup in it before dragging me into the living room, leaving my best friend's mouth agape because his best friend was just stolen from him.

He sits me down on the couch next to Alex. She smiles at me, her eyes now littered from contacts. Her natural brown eyes are low and red as she looks at me. "Hey fenty girl." She jokes as she lays her head on my lap, staring up at me with her lip tucked between her teeth. Slightly startled by her, I let out a little laugh before relaxing gently wrapping my finger around her ginger coils. She hums at the light tugging. "Do you like girls?" Her eyes slowly open as she speaks.

Jungkook and Yoongi choke on their drinks as they look at her with wide eyes. Jungkook falls on the floor from laughter as he looks at my shocked face. "No more weed for you." Taehyung takes the blunt out of her hand before putting it between his lips.

A knock is heard on the door before it opens, Revealing hobi in ripped blue jeans and a over sized sweat shirt."I hope you fuckers didn't have too much fun without me." He says with a smile before dapping Yoongi who rest on the edge of the couch, closer to the door. He send me a wink before walking to the kitchen where namjoon and Jin are. Still flustered by everything that's happened in the matter of minutes, I stare at the wall ahead of me gently chewing on my bottom lip.

Yoongi gently tapped my shoulder with a concerned look. "You ok,doll? He says, causing everyone else to look at me. 'That did not help my anxiety.' I refocus my gaze back on him, giving him a soft smile before nodding. He ushers for me to grab his drink out his hand and I gladly accept, gulping down all the contents in the cup. Alex lets out a giggle still laying on my lap. "Someone wants to get fuck up tonight,eh?"

A couple hours and drinks later everyone is laying on the floor in a circle, passing around a blunt as they laugh at each other's wild stories. "So you fucked her then.. you fucked her roomate." Hobi looks down flustered as he nods, holding his cups to his lips. Me and Namjoon are learning more about the group in front of us. Turns out most of them met in highschool, meeting Alex in a different club than the one they currently go to.

𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝙲𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛. | 𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 & 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now