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Unrelated to bangtan in every way. A short OC chapter. Skip if that's an inconvenience. -Yelina.


"So, tell me about your mother."

She fixes her glasses on her nose, gazing down at the questions on her paper before looking at me. I give her a half smile as my gaze fixates on the wall behind her. Man, anytime someone ask me questions about her I feel like there's a sad instrumental playing in the background. A song to go along with the feelings and mood of the moment. It takes me minutes to give her a straight answer because I don't know if I want to tell anyone the good or the bad about my mother.

I've always kept it in because she tried. She tried her best as my mother but the best isn't good enough when u broke your child and mentally screwed them for adulthood. Opting out mentally when your child is at the mere age of 14. Was never taught how to be a girl let alone a women. Then again. There's the bittersweet bits and pieces with my mother. One moment we're laughing and having a ball the next moment we're yelling and screaming and she's ready to throw something at me or hit me.

The more I think over my life with my mother the more I think and realize 'damn. Growing up I barely got a "how was school." Or "I love you." Unless it was for something she want. See my relationship with my mom was a buy and sell. Always had to have an exchange to get something out of her. Whether it be a hug, conversation, or even a text back..
But that's my mother.

She went through hell and back because of my father leaving her alone to raise three kids by herself so I cherish my mother. But on the other hand beating your depressed daughter when she was cutting on herself because she didn't know how to handle everything going on in her head at the time was ok and cool to you and me hurting myself was hurting you but hey.

You're my mother.

But then again telling your children at the ages 10,13,15 that it's time to 'live for me' and leaving for days at a time with no food in the house and ignoring your phone was a good idea but saying "you did everything you can" when it was brought up in a fight, with tears streaming down your face is supposed to make me feel pity, it doesn't. But hey. Once again.

You're my mother.

"Miss Montoya."

My eyes quickly fixate on the lady across from me who's been trying to gain my attention for the past few minutes. I give her a small smile as I shake my head and gather my thoughts. "I'm sorry. What did you say?" She gives me a small smile before jotting down some notes. "I asked for you to tell me some stuff about your mother. Do you still talk to her? How was your relationship with her?"

Letting out a small sigh as I straightened my back a little. "Uh, no. I don't speak to my mother and our relationship was... ok growing up." I give her a tight lipped smile as I pick at the skin around my nails. She gives me a once over before jotting down some notes then closing her booklet. "Alright miss Montoya that's all we have for today and one note. If you're going to pay for therapy sessions at least be open. Try to get rid of that frown behind your mask.

Because I can see and a lot of other people probably can as well."

618 words

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