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Warning: Mention of miscarriage. Angst.

It hurts grieving over someone you never met. Someone that you know you were going to protect with every fiber in your body until your last breath. Nothing hurts more than losing someone.

Until it's a baby.

Her feet taps impatiently on the hospital floor as she waits for her name to be called. Shifting uncomfortably in the plastic chair as she stares at the white wall in front of her. The smell of sterile room giving her a slight headache. 'I fucking hate hospitals.' She's been back and forth to the hospital for the past four months but she was eager to wake up and go this morning. Something that worries her for her health and the life inside of her..

"Marie Jackson?" A nurse calls her name, she sends him a small smile and walks with him to the back room. She gives them her information as he takes down her vitals. She explains the bleeding and the cramps as a nurse moves her to a room.

Staring up at the wall as she constantly clicks her tongue. The amount of test and procedures they gave her makes her head hurt and her body hurt more. She barely moves with the IV sticking out of her arm. The silent drops of saline playing in the background as she's immersed in her thoughts. Her black satin bonnet on her hair making her body feel hot. The same with the uncomfortable hospital gown. She's heard a knock on the door letting out a barely audible 'come in.' The doctor walks in the room and sits on the chair in front of her bed with a sad smile.

"How are you feeling Ms.Jackson?" She gives him a small tight lipped smile before it fades away. Getting impatient for how long she had to wait for these test, she sits up giving him her undivided attention. "I'm sorry to say this but you did indeed have a miscarriage. There's no fetal matter left inside of you. The cramps are from your uterus getting back on track with your body. We've prescribed you medicine for the pain and to prevent the cause of infection. I'm truly sorry Ms.Jackson. I'll send a nurse with your discharge papers and prescriptions. If there's anything else you need don't hesitate to let someone know, okay?" She gives him a small smile as her eyes slowly start to tear. Giving him a small nod feeling unable to speak.

On the way home she felt like a robot. No control over her body. No thoughts. Nothing. She was zoned out as she drove, her blank gaze on the road. She didn't even play music to distract herself. She felt empty but broken. This is so confusing.

She never understood how some people could act like nothing ever happened after loosing a baby. She watched her aunts and cousins do it but she can't shake the feeling. None of this felt right and she feel as if it never will. She was only three months pregnant. Her baby was only the size of a plum. It left a bitter taste in her mouth as she remembers all the blood. The blood on her clothes, in the toilet, on it. All of it felt unfair and she just wanted to scream.

She wanted to disappear.

"Baby I'm home!" She hears her apartment door open and close. The voice from her boyfriend bouncing off every surface as she comes from her room. She gives him a smile before wrapping her arms around his waist. She hurried her face in his chest, engulfing his scent as he wraps his arms around her and gives her a kiss on the forehead. "How did your appointment go?" The thoughts she had about the appointment made her tear up, pushing her head further into his chest as she grips him tighter.

That sent worry to him, he slowly pushes her back. His eyebrows furrowing as he gently swipes his finger on her tear filled cheeks. "What's wrong baby?" He ask softly, gently rubbing her face. Not saying a word, she grabs his hands and leads him to the couch. She sits down and pats the spot next to him.

As he sits, she plays with her fingers deep in thought on how to tell him. "Jungkook.." his ears perk up as she calls his name. The worry still present in his eyes as her tears just get harder. "I'm not pregnant anymore..." his heart feels like it's breaking in his chest as she speaks. Confusion is evident in his tear filled eyes. "What- what do you mean-?." She chews on her lip as she frowns at him. Not wanting to say the last few words. The feeling of them on the tip of her tongue makes her want to puke. Makes her want to hide herself under the earth and just disappear.

"I lost our baby." She shrugs letting out a bitter laugh as tears hit her thigh. Jungkook doesn't say a word as he stares at the ground. The thoughts and images of her being stressed eating him alive. 'These past few months haven't been easy for neither of us. But they really took a different toll on her..' he lets out a scoff as a broken sob leaves his lips. They've been planning so much for the baby they'll see in just six months. She looks at him. Her heart breaking all over again as she watches the one she knew almost her whole life break down.

The tiny plum that was once in her body now gone.

938 words

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