𝘬𝘵𝘩𝘹𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳. Pt.1

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The boy lets out a loud chuckle at his friend's theatrics, his blonde hair moving in the breeze as they make their way to the many food trucks lined up around them. The sounds of the loud music and the many people talking is all he heard beaming in his ear drums as he moves to sit at the many tables littered around the festival. His closest friend, Jimin sits next to him, mouth full of food as he lets out a delightful moan. "This is so good man, you have to try it." He pushes the roasted squid to his friends lips, which he happily accepts. His own eyes rolling back in delight as he munches on the snack his friend offered him. Jimin smiles happily at his friend's reaction to the food, taking another bite as the rest of his friends join them, their own food in hand.

Taehyung's head bobs to the music, looking around the food station to see what apples to him. His eyes find something that catches his eyes, rather someone. Her brown locks pulled back in a tight bun as she exits the food truck, visible annoyance on her face as she argues with someone inside. Giving the middle finger as she walks away, pulling her hair out of the annoying bun, the honey strands dancing among her shoulders as she struts away. Something about the girl's tanned skin and plush body makes the boy perk up as he jumps out of his seat, many protests and chuckles are heard from his friends as he basically runs after the girl. "There he goes being a hoe again." Jin chuckles as he takes a bite of a fry, shaking his head as his friends stroll after the girl.

Letting out a deep breath, the girl turns around, crossing her arms over her chest as she stares at the man who's been basically following her to the end of the food station. Taehyung releases a breath before giving the girl a sheepish smile. "Uh.. You seemed pretty upset so.." The girl raises an eyebrow at the boy's words, a faint smile on her face as she takes in his nervous stance. "Uh-huh. Follow me then, pretty boy." She makes her way to many tents littered by the food trucks. A burgundy haired girl and blue haired male pass around an ice blue bong, a rough cough coming from the girl causes him to cringe.

She sits on the beanbag chair closest to the opening, ushering Taehyung inside. The male closes the tent before making his way to the other side of the girl, lazily plopping down on the ice cold lawn under me. He looks up to see the girls gaze already on him, a faint blush on his cheeks as he clears his throat. "I never got your name." Her golden gaze flicks up and down his frame before taking the bong from the male across the room before taking a hit from it. Reaching it out for Taehyung to take it. "Never gave it." The male slowly takes it, taking a risky guess of the substance being weed before he takes a hit as well, letting out a loud cough, gently rubbing his chest at the rough intrusion. The feeling in his limbs slowly fade away, all of the emotions and thoughts slowly disappear as he gets comfortable against the cold grass beneath him. He looks up at the girl to see her looking at the tent wall blankly, her chest slowly falling and rising before her gaze goes to him with a half smile on her lips as she sluggishly removes herself from the bean bag.

She pulls her vibrant red shirt off of her body before ridding herself of the tight black work pants, not seeming to be bothered by Taehyung's presence or lingering eyes. She grabs a jean jacket from off the mattress that her passed out friends laid on haphazardly. Limbs limply hanging off the bed as they slept. Pulling on the fabric she brushes her long hair out of her face, the light peeking out of the slit of the tent making an almost golden aura around the girl's body. She peeks at the mirror chilling in the corner of the tent, fixing her american flag bra and her denim shorts before sitting next to Taehyung who was still staring at her, a smile adoring his lips as he makes eye contact. She hums in thought, taking another hit out of the bong before passing it to Taehyung who hesitantly hits it before placing it down infront of him. "Who'd you come to see?" He questions as he looks up at the girl through his blonde fringe.

A blank look on her face as she blinks at him. "Z trip." He nods at her words, a small smile adoring his lips as he leans his head back, the substance causing him to feel sluggish. "Jigga." she hums at his words, her eyes slowly closing. "Why were you angry earlier?" she lets out a deep sigh, slowly peeking one eye open to gaze down at him. "You ask a lot of questions don't you?" With a shrug the boy looks at her expectantly. "My mother pissed me off." she utters out with a shaky breath before sitting up to peer down at the new cumber. "I have a test tomorrow but her and these idiots." she pauses through gritted teeth as she looks towards the couple on the bed. "They insisted." A sarcastic smile adorns her honey glazed lips as her gaze moves back to the boy on the floor. "Test? Are you in college?" She gives him a curt nod, moving her feet off the floor to rest under her pudgy thighs. "Yep, trying to become a dentist. Get myself as far from poverty as possible." For once her smile was genuine, a light hum leaving her lips.

She makes grabby hands for the bong,which the boy hands to her. Placing it in her hands before she lights it once again. Taking a long puff before releasing the smoke with a deep sigh. "What are we smoking anyway?" Taehyung questions as he takes a hit. "Shush, don't let the high go to waste." she brushes off his question as she stands up. "I should get you to your friends before a cop comes peeking through my tent." He nods, pushing himself off the ice cold lawn, following her out of the tent.

He follows sluggishly behind, his feet almost numb as he takes hesitant steps. She peers over to him with half lidded eyes, a small smirk itching at the ends of her lips as she lets him lean on her for support. "I'm Taehyung. I'll tell you my name since you never gave me yours." The girl just hums at his words, gently pushing him off her body once his friends come into view. Jimin glances at the girl with a confused look before letting his best friend latch onto him, his arm sluggishly wrapped around the shorter male's shoulder. She gives his friends a short nod before walking away, her brown locks flying in the wind behind her as she struts off. "Wait- I never got your name!" She passes him a smile over her shoulder as she saunters off.

"Call me Nova."

1,229 words

𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝙲𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛. | 𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 & 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now