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"Honey, I'm home."

The second the door to the apartment closed behind me
and I'd dropped my backpack to the floor, Tae was launching himself into my arms.

"And thank goodness for that."

"Hobi called and told me what went down."

"How are you feeling?" He was hugging me a bit too tight but I let him get it out of his system.

"I'm fine."

"We're all fine."

I tapped his back with my fist
a couple of times.

He let go and gave me a stern look. "Are you sure? You look
a little pale."

"Do you need to eat or test
your blood sugar levels or something?"

"Take a nap? Tell me what
to do."

I was pissed he was behaving like the worst version of a helicopter parent but when my phone buzzed with a call from the real one, my anger ramped up.

I poked the answer button so hard I was surprised the
screen didn't crack.

"I just spoke to Tae bear."

"He told me something about a scuffle at work, Where are
you? Are you all right?"

"I'm good, Mom."

"Home safe and sound."

By the time I'd given her an edited version of the day's events, assuring her several times I was never in danger,
I ended the call.

Then, I turned on my best

"In what universe did you
think telling Mom about what happened was a good idea?"

After being hit by the sugar
low I'd experienced due to working through lunch, this
was the last thing I needed.

"I was worried, so yeah, I
called her for advice."

"Then I was so furious with
you, I wanted to march right down to the club and kick your ass." The look of concern was one Tae often wore but I'd
never seen it quite this intense.

"And you need to quit trying to coddle me."

"I get enough of that from
her." I shook my phone at him.

With a deep sigh, he nodded.

"I do this because I care."

"You have a chronic illness, not some pimple on your ass
that needs popping."

"And do you get that I'm an adult? Jesus, I can't even live alone if I want to."

"And forget about eating, dancing or hell, even getting
out of bed without checking my blood glucose and topping up on carbs when my levels are low."

The man had no idea what it was like to be treated like a child.

Like someone incapable of doing anything without another person's say-so.

Coming to the city had been
like taking a fresh breath of freedom and now, Tae was trying to take that away from me.

He blinked a couple of times as
if trying to absorb all I'd said, then was holding me again and muttering an apology.

For a few lingering moments,
we stayed that way till my breathing calmed some.

Picking up my backpack, he
took me by the hand and led
me to the kitchen, then urged me to sit at the table.

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