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After we'd dropped San off, it was a long ride back to the apartment, my feelings all over the place as the night's events looped through my head on repeat.

Tae was trying to do the right thing by me, his protective nature one of the reasons I
cared about him.

This time, he'd pushed things
too far.

Trying to save me from being chewed up and spat out by Park Jimin was none of his concern and I didn't appreciate his interference.

If I decided to allow anyone
in my bed, it was my decision
to make.

Not that I would have with Jimin being more than a little tipsy.

Tae unlocked the door and switched on the light and I sighed as I shrugged off my backpack and set it down once I was standing in the living room.

I was tired of being caught up in the drama of it all and more than disappointed that I hadn't been honest with Jimin right from
the start.

"Okay man, out with it." Tae tossed his keys on the coffee table and flopped on the couch.

While I was stewing over what had gone down, it wasn't in
my nature to yell and scream about it.

"You're pissed at me for interrupting, am I right?"

I heaved a sigh and sat down next to him.

"Oh, come on."

"You can do better than that."

"Tell me what you're thinking,
no holding back."

"I'm a big boy. I can take it."

He placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and squeezed while I took a deep breath and nodded.

"I thought you promised to let me handle things with Jimin
my own way."

I managed to say with all the diplomacy I could muster.

"I know I did but he'd been drinking and I didn't want you or him to regret it in the morning."

"Sorry if I did the wrong thing."

His genuine smile and caring tone worked well to water
down my irritation.

"I guess you're forgiven."

"It may not matter anyway."

"I could be out of a job when Jimin sobers up."

"What? Why?"

Tae's concerned look turned
to one of confusion.

"Something he said makes me pretty sure he remembers me."

I chewed my lip.

Tae gasped then his eyes glazed over and I could almost hear
the cogs whirring inside that crazy head of his.

"Okay, then, what if you—"

"Tae." I gave him a light slap across the back of his head.

That got his attention real fast.

With a whiny sound, he ran a delicate hand over his hair to check if anything was out of place and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, I'll keep my mouth shut but I know you, my friend."

"You won't sleep right till you
fix this."

"So what are you gonna do?"

Rubbing my face, I sighed.

"Guess I'll have to think
on that."

* * *

"Good morning, sleepyhead."

The second I felt the bed dip,
I opened one grainy eye, then the other and found myself squinting at Tae.

The sunlight as it streamed through my bedroom window silhouetted his form.

I glanced at my phone, It was
a few minutes past seven.

Emitting a groan, I attempted
to give my so-called best friend the stink-eye.

He knew I'd never been much of a morning person, yet there he was bugging the shit out of me way too early on a Sunday.

"Get. Out."

"I will when you're up and dressed."

"I thought it'd be a great idea
to take a sightseeing tour, since all work and no play makes Kookie a dull boy."

Already dressed to impress,
Tae bounced where he sat,
wide grin in place.

"The only sight I want to see
for the next three hours is the inside of my eyelids."

I dragged my pillow over my face, wanting nothing more
than to shut the world out.

I hadn't had a wink of sleep.

Spending the night wondering what to do about Jimin had
made that impossible.

And after all that thinking, I'd concluded that confessing every thing was the only course of action I had left, regardless
of what jimin might or might
not know.

I was tired of shouldering the guilt, It wasn't fair to me and it sure as hell wasn't fair to Jimin.

Since I didn't want Tae trying
to talk me out of it, I vowed
to keep my decision to myself until I got Jimin alone.

"Not a chance, my friend."

"We're out of coffee and you know how grumpy I get when
I don't get my daily dose."

"Since we'll be joining hobi
and Jimin for brunch to help
fix that, I invited them to join
us on the tour, too."

I tensed at the mention of
Jimin's name.

Tossing my pillow onto the
bed, I sat up a little and
glared at Tae.

"So, go."

"Nobody's stopping you."

He shook his head. "I didn't
do this for me, dummy."

"You need to sort things out with Jimin before you go an entire week without sleep."

"And besides, I've booked
and paid for our day so
there's no worming your
way out of this one."

At those words, he stood and pulled the comforter off my
body and I shivered as the
cool morning air hit my skin.

"Jesus fuck, man."

"For that little stunt you're
off my Christmas list."

Letting out an indignant grunt,
I threw the pillow at Tae's face, yawned then swung my legs
off the bed.


"Now hurry up and get ready."

"I'm starved." He gaped as I stood and palmed my morning wood through my briefs.

"Well, no wonder you're tired."

"Thoughts of Jimin been keeping you 'up' all night, huh?"

He gave me a cheesy grin then tossed the pillow back at me with force, narrowly missing my head.

"Shut up."

Snorting a tired laugh, I made
a dash for the bathroom.


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