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"Ugh." I moaned.

Rolling over in my bed, head aching, mouth drier than the midday desert, the full force
of the night before hit.

And what a night it had been.

After a quiet ride home with hobi
where I'd avoided the subject
of Jungkook like the plague, I managed to fall into bed before plunging into a fitful sleep.

Then the dreams came and they were all about Jungkook, each one more desperate and depraved than the last.

Eyes closed, I began to stroke my cock, gathering up the droplets of pre-cum with my thumb and spreading it over
my hardened flesh.

Increasing the pace, I felt
the familiar tightening in my
balls certain if I'd slept much longer, I'd have woken up covered in my own juice.

As much as I was still trying
to wrap my head around what had happened the night previous, all I could think
about was his eyes, his mouth and the way he danced.

Letting go of a sigh, I let my imagination take hold, picturing him up on stage opening night.

Then my thoughts morphed
into him playing the part of a stripper, naked and oiled as he danced for me.

"Oh god, yes, fuck!"

Eyes flying open, my
roughened voice cracked
under the strain as I came quicker than I ever had before.

Rising with a slow determination, I hit the shower and cleaned
up, head still spinning with
what had gone down these
past twenty-four hours.

No doubt about it.

I was in way over my head.

After slipping on some clothes,
I heard my phone ring.

I checked the time as I picked up, noting it was a quarter
after nine.


"And a good morning to
you, too."

With a yawn, I rubbed a
hand over my face.

hobi was way too cheery and loud for my liking.

Annoying shit.

"I know how much you need
your beauty rest but you gotta get your ass here pronto, other wise I'll go ahead and start without you." he warned.

Hobi and I had a tradition of eating Sunday brunch together at our favorite coffee house.

It was one of the trendiest
places around with its industrial vibe and high ceilings, not to mention the best eggs in the known universe.

Meeting there gave us the opportunity to relax a little Oh and of course talk about work without the usual distractions.

"I'll be there in an hour or so."

"All right, We'll see you then."

I ended the call and reached
for my keys.

It wasn't until I shut the door behind me that his casual slip
of the tongue registered.

* * *

A weird combination of relief, confusion and disappointment washed through me when I spotted hobi through the window, sitting alone at a table for four.

I sighed then pulled the door open and stepped inside.

The situation was irritating
the shit out of me.

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