I Belive I Just Did

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((No POV))
After hugging Dick noticed Jason's been staring at him quite often.
"Is everything alright Jason?" He asked
"Hm? Oh- uh yea, everything's all good" Jason smiled
Just as he was about to leave Jason grabbed him by the wrist. Dick looked over in confusion. While Jason stood there trying to process what to say. " this might sound werid but um- what's your sexuality?" Jason asked
Dicks eyes widened by the question but answered it thoughtfully. "Oh! Im bisexual. Why?"
"Just wondering. Im bisexual to" Jason said looking away. Dick could tell that Jason was nervous with the question because he was fidgeting with his fingers.
"Is there something else you want to tell me?"
"Yes- well no... I'm not sure" Jason chuckled to himself in embarrassment.
"Come on, you can tell me." he said while sitting down on the couch. As Jason came by and sat on the couch he decided it was time to tell him. But have some clues. Dick can't find out who he likes. Not yet at least.
" well it's about this guy that I really liked."
"Oh! Is he nice?" Dick asked
"Very. But also very oblivious at the time" Jason said chuckling at some memories he had before his death. Though he couldn't remember the whole story to each memory. It's like they poffed away after his death...
"Well how long have you liked him?" That broke Jason out of his mind
"Well I think I've liked him before-my death"
Then dick got an idea. It was perfect. "You should bring him somewhere. For the two of you to hang out! It will get you two closer together!" Dick suggested while smiling
" look dick, I like the idea- But when it comes to relationships. Those don't last long for me. I'm not that kind of 'lovey dovey' person" Jason continued "I may like someone. But being in a relationship is the worse. It would be toxic!" Jason exclaimed
"No it wouldn't"
"Yes it would. I'm a walking zombie who can't get his mind together because it's to busy watching his own death on repeat!" Jason yelled covering his face in shame
" Jason. I understand it's hard going through death. It will take time to go away. It may not even go away but you'll handle it!"
Jason moved his head up from his hands and looked at dick with a slight smile. "Thanks dick"
"Your welcome" dick smiled "it's also getting late. If you want to stay for the night you can"
"Thanks. Also I think I might ask my crush to hang out tomorrow."
"Well that's lovely! You should tell him now or text him so he knows" dick cheered
"Okay. Also I have one more thing to say"
"Go ahead"
" Do you want to go get pizza tomorrow with me?" Jason asked
"I thought you were going to ask your crush?"
Dick asked confused.
"I Believe I Just Did." Jason smiled
494 Words

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