Put An End To A Killer Joke

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((No POV))
Red Hood and Nightwing were in a battle with a group of low-criminal gangsters.
"Go, I'll take care of them" Red Hood said
"What? I can help."
"There just a bunch of slow, slick amateurs"
Red Hood Protests
"Fine... But your not making me leave because your going to shoot them right?"
"Ummm..." Jason started looking up and pointed into the sky "LOOK! A BIRD!!!" Jason yelled
"BIRD!?!? Where??" Dick asked
"Over in that alleyway!" -He Pointed-"Now wait over there with the bird till I get back" Before Jason could finish his sentence, dick was already running to the alleyway with the 'Bird' Jason said they'll be.
//With Nightwing//
"There's no birds here... Your a cruel Lier Jason Todd"
"HAHA! Well if it isn't Robin number 1?"
A familiar Voice said
"I'm here! Nightwing, You good?" Red Hood asked. Next thing he knew he was dragged over to where this 'man' was in the dark alleyway.
No matter how much Jason disliked it. He had to do this. Out of all the people the two
love-birds were fighting had to be no other than, the Joker.
"HAHA! Lamb-Chop!!! You came back to your senses" The Joker Laughed Off
Jason gritted his teeth, he went to get his gun until the Joker swatted it out of his hand.
"RED HOOD!!! IM COMING!" Nightwing yelled
"Ah- Ah-Ah" Joker said "We've Got a little reunion going" Joker Laughed. What made Jason pause more is that he swatted his gun out of his hands with a crowbar... The Joker is the reason he died. The reason he's had nightmares. The reason he died was because of him, and his crowbar...
"Now, now lamb-chop, it's will only sting this time, you've been through this before, haven't you? HAHA!!!"
The Joker was walking up to Jason, slapping the crowbar on his palm walking closer and closer. He didn't know what to do, he didn't want to feel the crowbar hit him anymore, it was the most painful and traumatic things he ever experienced. His thoughts where running all over, he couldn't even move. *BANG* Jason blinked. All he could see was blood. But, it was the Jokers blood.
"W-what?" Jason asked himself. He saw dick right besides him holding a gun. The same gun that the Joker swatted out his hand.
"I'm sorry" he said
"Y-you did this?" Jason asked
"I had to- he was going to kill you, again"
"Dick... I'm not mad, I'm just shock" Jason reassured.
"Yeah... I'm just-... I'm going to take a break on top of the roof other there" Dick said
"Yea. I'll be there soon, I just need to process some things" Jason said, Nightwing headed to on the roof top to take a little breather while down in the dark alley way.
Jason stood there think of what just happened. Dick Killed The Joker...
488 Words

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