A Dream, Come True

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((No POV))
Jason was in his Red Hood suit. Sitting on top of some old run-down apartment building. It's been a little over two days since he left dick. Honestly he felt lonley. But he knew if he stayed with dick, he'd be broken by his bickering. He sat on the building while the sun settled down. Everything was calm. Until tweedle Dee came back.
"Jason!?! I'm so glad I found you I-"
"Save it dick. I was doing just fine without you." Jason said. Annoyed. But in his heart he was glad that dick still cared for him. But his mind said the opposite.
"Im sorry"
"Why are you even here? Why don't you run away to your 'princess' Kori?" Jason sneered
"Kori broke up with me..."
That broke. Jason was now curious. Why would Kori break up with dick? Sure, he was annoying must of the time. But people liked him because of that. Not to forget; they've been dating since dick arranged a team. The titans. "What?"
"Me and Kori. Aren't together"
"I know that bird brain! What I mean is why?"
" she thought I was cheating on her. Since I kinda told her how you came back from. The dead. I guess she knew you liked me when you were little. But I was-" Jason cut dick off, and finished what he was going to say.
"To oblivious to see it" Jason rolled his eyes.
"Yea...look Jason I'm sorry for what happened! I didn't mean to hurt you" Dick replied
"It's fine. I moved on"
This broke dick. Sure, he made a few (a lot) of mistakes when it came to Jason liking him. But what can you say? When it comes to love, dicks the dumbest one around. "What do you mean you've moved on?"
"Well I'm not saying I like anyone else. But I've moved on. From love. If your to blind to see it. Than what's the point? It's a waste."
"Jason you don't mean that.."
"How would you know? All you've ever done was break me bit by bit." Jason reminds
"And I'm sorry. I'm sorry Jason please forgive me!" Dick pleaded
"I do. I forgive you. But that doesn't mean I need you."
"I'm serious."
"J.a.s.o.n" dick was getting angry
" I forgive you. Now leave" Jason said again
"JASON!!" Dick yelled
This startled Jason. Sure he's yelled before but not at him. And if he did it was never serious. He never got THAT angry at Jason once. Or at least he thinks so? " you don't need to yell."
Jason stayed quiet until dick calmed down. Jason just prayed that dick wasn't to-angry to throw him off the roof. "Jason. I love you. Even if you act like a prick most of the time"
"Me? A prick? Sounds like you bird boy."
Dick started to get angry again. Him trying to say his feeling was- not going well. But who can't relate? I mean trying to say something meaningful without trying to sound cringy. Is IMPOSSIBLE! So instead of saying words. He grabbed Jason by the chin pulled him into a kiss. It's was like all the hate Jason felt earlier for dick was gone. Instead of saying 'I forgive you' which he meant none of. Now he did forgive dick. For everything.
His Wish Came True.
563 Words

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