Pick A Side

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((No POV))
"What? I don't get it..." dick question
"Of course you don't dick, your to fucking, oblivious about this kind of stuff" Jason said "don't you get it dick? I like you. Even better to say that i love you. I have since we were kids."
Speechless. Dick didn't know what to say. He was still dating kori. But... he had some feelings for Jason. "I like you to- but" dick looked down to the floor.
"But what?" Jason asked in a stern voice
"I'm still dating kori"
Jason looked at him in anger. He looked at dick, than the floor, and back at dick. 
"Than Pick A Side" Jason gritted

———————————————————————— Hey Guys! Sorry this chapter is a little short, I Promise To Write More Later,
Bye Guys!
131 Words

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