The Truth Hurts

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((No POV))
Jason was walking back and forth, In one of his safe-houses with one of his best friends Roy.
"That doesn't sound like him" Roy said
"Yeah well, he did it" Jason stopped
"Well by what your saying, it's hears that he wanted to tell you something" Roy brought up
"Well then why didn't he say it?" Jason asked
"BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T LET HIM TALK!!!"Roy Yelled, while accidentally chucking his empty beer near where all the shoes were.
"Well!?" Jason yelled "what do you think he was going to say?" Jason sneered
"I don't want to say, cause I might be wrong" Roy said "But Babs was able to get us access to the security cameras in town" Roy suggested
Jason gave a confused look. "Which means we can check them and see what really happened before you can to the roof top, idiot" Roy said
"I'm not an idiot, You just talk gibberish"

"STOP!" Jason yelled when they got to the part where Nightwing was about to head up on the roof.
((What The Videos Saying))

"what have I done..."

"What's wrong?"


"I saw what happened... The Joker deserved it"

"Who are you"

"But you can call me Catalina, Mi Amor"

"Please, can you back away... your in my space"

"Now why would I do that?"

"Please Miss! Can you back away,
A little bit."

"Why? Is there someone else?"


"Well, They Can Suck It Up"

((After The Video))
They were both shocked. Roy knew it, but he didn't want to say it. Jason messed up... If only he listened to Dick... "I knew It" Roy said
"She Took Advantaged Of Him"
281 Words

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