Guilty As Charge

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((No POV))
Jason and Bruce were in the waiting room, all Jason could feel was guilt. He shot dick. He wanted to fix what he did. Not make it worse. But, he's Jason Todd? He warned dick that relationships don't last long with him... But he still took the risk, and Jason let him...
"Look Jason" Jason looked over to Bruce "I'm sorry... I know I lied, with you and Dick..."
"Why'd you lie" Jason asked
"Cause... I wanted to prove if you were still alive... and Red Hood" Bruce admitted
"Well I'm here now. Better make it last unlike the old me" Jason said jokingly. Bruce laughed a little, which for some reason made Jason smile a bit.
"I don't ask you to talk to me anymore... but I want you to forgive me for my actions" Bruce said while putting a hand on Jason's shoulder "Finding out you where still here and Red Hood was a huge impact on me and Alfred" he said. " I didn't have a problem with you two together... I had a problem with Dick dating someone who kills people instead of putting them in jail"
Jason wanted to be angry. But he also wanted a truce with the older man, it's been years since they've been on a some-what 'Good Term'
"I get it" Jason said with half smile half frowning face look.
"Do you forgive me tho, Jason?" Bruce asked.
"Yeah — Yeah, Whatever Old Man" Jason said laughing while swaying Bruce's hand off his shoulder.
"Still as ignorant as you use to be" Bruce said, laughing with Jason. Maybe he could a bad moment, and make it sound less horrible than it actually is. He can't help but still feel guilty after what he did, I guess making jokes and finally going on 'Good Terms' with the old man really makes you forget why you in a hospital and what you did wrong. All he wished is for Dick to make it out of here alive...
345 Words

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