A Sign Of Forgiveness

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((No POV))
Dick was in disbelief. "YOU SHOT HIM!!" Dick yelled
"I did it for you" Jason protested
"But, what if he doesn't make it, I mean you shot him!"
"In the shoulder" Jason said once again
"That doesn't make it right"
"What do you mean? He slapped you, I was trying to protect you!" Jason yelled back
"I know..." Dick gulped. " It's-just you didn't have to shot him tho... or at least. Tell me where you went before you left"
Jason signed. What else was he suppose to do? Bruce may have been a horrible father to a bunch of orphans, but he still cared for them. Even if he was only best at taking care of them in battle and galas. Jason took one last deep breath in "Your right Dick, I should've told you before I left" Jason said smiling. Jason and Dick hugged it out as a sign of forgiveness.
"It's okay, you where only helping..."
163 Words

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