Till Death, Do Us Part

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((No POV))
Jason was running. Running for his life. Nothing could stop him. After what he seen on the cameras, he has to fix what he did between him and Dick. But at this moment, he was running as Red Hood. He was going to make Tarantula pay for what she did to dickie-bird.
Jason stopped at in the end of the sidewalk. He saw a person on the run just a few building away from where he is. "Found you" he chuckled to himself.

"Who are you?" She asked
"Doesn't matter, why'd you do that to Nightwing?" He asked while pointing a gun, aiming for the middle of her chest.
"You'd have to be more specific" she said "Many things happened" She smiled.
Jason gritted his teeth. He pulled the trigger. But it didn't shot her. Someone else ran in-front of her. Jason's eyes where shocked. He shot dick... He ran over to his side.
Jason yelled "why would you do that! I was going to get rid of her for you!" Jason added
"I know..... But I can't stand you killing anymore..." Dick said
"But your talk with Bruce" Jason asked
"That doesn't mean I was happy with you killing... But, I think you understand now" Dick lightly chuckled, causing Jason to laugh a little. Dick was the kind of person to laugh things off when things got out of control. All he wanted was a laugh in return. "I love you" He whispered.
"I love you more" Jason couldn't keep it in. He was crying nonstop. He didn't mean for this to happen. "Hey Jay"
"Yes princess?" He asked, This was the first time Jason has ever called him a pet name. But he didn't mind it, he had other things going on at the moment, but at the end, he thought the name was cute.
" 'm feeling a bit tired" Dick said while drifting off to sleep.
"NO! DICK! WAKE UP!" Jason Yelled "Please! You have to stay awake" Jason yelled. At this point he was crying on Dicks body. He wouldn't move. Until someone lifted him up from the ground. But it wasn't him. He looked up. It was Bruce.
" Bruce?" Jason mumbles while wiping away his tears.
"I know I wasn't the best... I want to make it up to you... and dick..." Bruce said while lending a hand. Jason swatted his hand away.
"Shut up, You lying, Your a Hypocrite" Jason yelled while helping himself back up on his feet.
"Jason. This isn't a time to argue. Dick life is at risk. The more we waste time, the more he's going to lose more blood" Jason looked at dick who was laying, with closed eyes, in Bruce's hands.
"If Dick wakes up... Then maybe, just maybe, I could forgive you" Jason glared

Hello Guys!!! I've made 5 more chapters for this book today, and I've been rewriting something's in my other books. My wrists literally hurt!!!
480 Words

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