Revenge, Tastes Sweet

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((No POV))
10:25 am
Dick woke up the next morning. Something was off, it's not that he was sleeping on the couch, No. But it's that, Jason wasn't there. Where did Jason go? Surely he couldn't of gone that far, right? "Jason?!"
"Yeah, yeah, that's me. Don't ruin the name" Jason said climbing back into the building from the window.
"Where the fuck where you!?!" Dick screamed
"Relax!" Jason calmed "I was paying the old man a visit" Jason said while walking over to the island table
"What? What did you do???" Dick asked
"Oh, you know. The usual" Jason said, while getting a Apple from the fruit basket.
"Usual?" Dick asked. What did Jason mean by 'The Usual" he barley went to Bruce's for something; especially "The Usual".

//At The Manor//
7:56 am
"Welcome Master Todd! Long time no see" Alfred greeted
"Hello Alfred!"  Jason greeted politely "is Bruce here?" Jason asked
"Why yes, he's in the batcave if you need him" Alfred said, while moving away for Jason to enter the manor.

//At The Batcave//
"I'll be upstairs" Alfred said before leaving back up to the manor
Jason walked over to where he saw Bruce on the bat computer. Bruce spinner him chair over once he heard no more footsteps walking his way. "Jason?"
"Hey Old Man!"
"Jason. Why are you here" Bruce demanded
"First, I wanna know why you slapped dick?"
"I didn't do anything" Bruce defended
"Lier, he told me you did it"
"I didn't do anything" Bruce said again
"Then explain why I came back into the room and saw a red hand mark in his cheek, huh?"
Jason said while reaching for his back pocket.
"He just fell, that's all, now if you'll excuse me I have work to do" Bruce said
"No" Jason demanded "I didn't come here just for that"
"Then what did you come here for?"
Jason reached for his back pocket, and got out a gun. He pointed the gun right at Bruce's shoulder.
339 Words

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