Chapter 2

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It had been a year since Diana had bailed Thea out of trouble in Star City and her life had certainly changed since then. For starters, she learned that Diana was actually the legendary world war 2 superhero Wonder Woman, half greek goddess and half olympian god.

Apparently Diana had left the mortal world after she lost the love of her life, Steve Trevor in the war and she also decided that after the war ended with the death of the war god Ares, which was why she'd left her home in the first place. Anyways, Diana had brought Thea back to her home of the hidden island of Themyscira, though she refused to tell Thea why she'd even bothered to find her in the first place, even though Thea thought that she deserved those answers, but all Diana would tell her is that it was something she'd have to figure out for herself.

And Thea didn't have much time to wonder about it anyways, since Diana's mother, Queen Hippolyta, ruler of the Amazons, allowed her to join their community and be trained in their ways and Thea found it extremely challenging as Diana personally trained her to fight like an Amazon.

It was hard, grueling work, especially since on top of everything else, Thea was also dealing with serious withdrawals from drugs and alcohol, but the further she got in her training, the more worth it the results became, since she was able to let go of the pain that came from losing her father and brother and Diana helped her channel that and her anger towards the world that she felt had abandoned her into something more productive. The more Thea trained, the more she could feel herself changing. Like actually physically changing. She was growing faster and stronger than any other human should be, her skills with all kinds of weaponry had improved immensely and she was finally feeling a sense of peace she'd never felt before.

However, it wasn't just fighting she learned while on the island. Since Thea had been inducted into the Amazons as an honorary member of their tribe, as one of their sisters, she was also forced to learn the history of the Amazons and the gods. Including Ares' rebellion that had led to the extinction of the gods, which had led to Diana's conception in the first place. That was something Thea had decided not to ask her mentor and honorary sister about, simply because it was none of her business.

While Thea found most of the stories relatively dull, at least the one that didn't involve fighting, there were certain ones that drew her in. Specifically the stories about the moon goddess Artemis. Thea actually found that she had a lot in common with the huntress. They were both results of their parents' affairs, though she was the result of an affair of her mother while Artemis was the result of an affair from her father, but they were both skilled archers, since even before she'd come to Themyscira, Thea had been decent with a bow before she'd started throwing her life away and they'd both been adored by their fathers and older brothers. The difference was that Ares had betrayed Artemis while Oliver had died in Thea's life.

Anyways, for some reason, Thea continued to feel drawn to Artemis to the point that whenever she wasn't training in combat, she was learning everything she could about the goddess, which had led to her discovery of an ancient prophecy about how apparently Artemis was destined to rise again and bring about the return of the Olympians. Something that confused Thea, since she thought that Diana was the last surviving member of the Olympian bloodline and when she asked Diana about it, she was stonewalled, frustrating her even more, since that confirmed that Diana knew what was going on and why she was on the island in the first place, but the fact that she refused to tell Thea annoyed her to no end.

Especially as she began to find herself changing even more. She found herself growing even stronger at night, particularly on nights of the full moon. In fact, on those nights, she almost felt more than human.

Then recently, she'd started having dreams that she was starting to think weren't actually dreams, but some kind of vision, since they were always of the same young girl who looked almost exactly like Thea, wearing a silver dress and had a crescent moon shaped circlet on her brow. After consulting with Diana, who gave her a lead on a meditative trance that could help her find out the truth about her visions, Thea found and made a special tea that took her into what could only the veil between Earth and Mount Olympus and she found herself face to face with the girl once again and now Thea finally realized who she was.

"Artemis." Thea said in awe at seeing the goddess in person.

"Hello Thea. We have a lot to discuss." Artemis said.

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