Chapter 26

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"Are you sure I can't come with you?" Roy asked Thea again as she finished packing her bags for Themyscira.

"Are you kidding? The island has a very strict no boys allowed policy. I think the only time a man was ever allowed on the island was back during world war one when Steve Trevor washed up on its shores and recruited Diana to the war effort." Thea said.

"Still, I wish you didn't have to do this alone." Roy said and Thea chuckled.

"Roy, getting the stone fragment from Themyscira is likely going to be the easy part. It's the other two fragments I'm more concerned about. Besides, you need to be here with the Titans while I'm gone." Thea said and Roy nodded.

"I have to admit, I kind of wish the Titans had existed on Earth One, since I think we both would've fit in well." Roy said.

"So do I." Thea agreed.

"But I do have something I want to run by you before you leave." Roy said.

"What is it?" Thea asked.

"We need a team nerd. We can't rely on Dick's connections at Wayne Enterprises. Every other vigilante team has a member specifically to handle everything tech wise. Hacking, running comms, mission control, that kind of thing." Roy said and Thea nodded.

"I've been thinking that myself. Start putting together a list of potential candidates while I'm gone." Thea said and Roy nodded.

"I'll also work on selling the rest of the team on that idea." Roy said.

"Good. Now I need to get going." Thea said.

"Good luck. From what you told us about the stone, I doubt the Amazons will give it up willingly, even to a goddess." Roy said.

"I have to try. We need that stone before Ares discovers it exists." Thea said and Roy nodded, though he could tell that there was still something on her mind.

"You okay?" Roy asked his girlfriend.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind right now." Thea said, not wanting to talk about it right now and luckily, Roy got the hint and dropped the topic, for now.

"Good luck." Roy said.

"Thanks. I get the feeling I'm going to need it. Remember, Dick's in charge while I'm gone." Thea said, since Dick had quickly shifted from being the Titan's leader to being her second in command, though sometimes, it still felt weird to her being leader when most of her teammates were more experienced than her.

"Got it." Roy agreed as Thea headed out of their apartment to where a car was waiting to take her to the airport where the Wayne jet was waiting.

As she once again parachuted onto Themyscira, Thea couldn't help but smile as her feet touched the familiar soil of the island and she felt like she was home again.

"Welcome home Thea." another Amazon, Thea was pretty sure her name was Lydia, walked up to her.

"Thank you Lydia, but I'm not here for pleasure. I'm here for something that requires the attention of Antiope and the entire Amazon high council. It's regarding the war with Ares, since he has returned." Thea said and she could tell that she had Lydia's attention.

"Follow me." Lydia said as she led Thea to the chamber where the new Queen Antiope and the Amazon presided.

"Thea Queen, welcome home." Antiope said when she saw Thea, who'd been smart enough to change into her ceremonial Amazon armor before she'd jumped out of her plane earlier, but Thea had to admit, it was still a bit of an adjustment seeing Antiope sitting on the throne her sister had used to sit in.

"Thank you." Thea said before she told them everything about the war with Ares. Including how he was responsible for Hippolyta's death.

"But what brought you back here?" Antiope asked, since she was alarmed that Ares had crossed into the mortal world once again, but the only Amazons who could leave the island were Thea, Diana and Donna.

"Artemis told me about a weapon that she believes will turn the tide of the war in either direction." Thea said.

"What weapon?" Antiope asked, though she had a feeling she knew.

"I'm here for your fragment of the Kronos stone." Thea said.

"We can't just give it to you. We swore an oath to Zeus to protect the stone at all costs and ensure that it never fell into the wrong hands." Antiope said.

"There must be some way." Thea said.

"Thea, I understand your position, I really do, but we must honor our oath." Antiope said, right as the chamber door opened and her niece entered.

"Though I think that this is worth making an exception, since it's on the orders of Zeus's daughter Artemis. Besides, it's time that Thea completed her final trial. Once she does that, she'll be able to receive the stone by our own laws." Diana said and Antiope nodded, smiling at her niece for finding a loophole.

"Very well. And I agree. It's time for Thea Queen to finally complete her training." Antiope said.

"What training?" Thea asked.

"The final trial. It's different for each member and it hasn't been done since Donna completed her training. It will reveal the true nature of your heart and soul. Had you not left the island, you would've completed the trial. But if you pass it, we can then entrust you with our piece of the stone. However, you cannot have your Artemis powers during this trial. It is for you and you alone. No help of any kind." Antiope said and Thea felt her connection to Artemis be temporarily severed.

"She just severed the link for now." Thea said and she had to admit, while she did enjoy the feeling of the powers Artemis gave her, she did enjoy the idea of just being herself again.

"Then let the trials begin." Antiope said as Thea found herself whisked away to the training grounds, wondering what her trial would be.

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