Chapter 20

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That night found Thea staring out the window of the tower when she heard someone walk up behind her.

"I thought you'd still be with Zara?" Thea asked Donna, knowing it was her without having to look back.

"She's out cold and it's Garth's shift to watch her. Besides, I'm more concerned about you. I think the only person in this tower who knows you better than I do is Roy. How do you know exactly?" Donna asked.

"Long story, but all you need to know is that you're more replaceable to me than he is." Thea said and Donna chuckled.

"And the same thing can be said about me with Garth and now Zara. But seriously, I know you Thea. This can't be easy for you. I mean, we knew that Ares would pop up eventually, but not this soon." Donna said.

"I've spent years preparing for today, but I wasn't expecting this. Especially since Ares confessed that he's the one responsible for Hippolyta's death." Thea said as they both took a moment of silence in honor of their fallen queen.

"Have you told Diana yet?" Donna asked her.

"Not yet. Besides, that seems more like a face to face conversation and I have no idea where in the world she is. But I am planning a trip home and by home I mean Theymscira to at least inform Antiope about this, since she deserves to know that the person responsible for her sister's death has returned." Thea said and Donna nodded.

"You okay?" Donna asked her.

"I knew that being a leader would have its challenges, but I never expected it to be like this." Thea said, thinking that she owed her brother an apology, since she'd never fully understood the burdens he had to bear as a leader and that she also owed him an apology for leaving him high and dry like she did.

"Yeah, I think that's why Dick was so eager to hand the role off to you. He didn't want to be a leader anymore." Donna said and Thea nodded.

"I don't blame him. I don't think I fully realized what I was signing up for when I agreed to take over the Titans." Thea said.

"You're doing a great job though. You're a natural leader. It's one of the reasons Artemis chose you. Just like how she led her hunters, you lead us. And you're a great leader Thea. Never doubt that." Donna said.

"Thanks Donna." Thea said with a smile.

"Okay, what else is it?" Donna asked.

"Ares is smarter than he was before. The avatar doesn't just allow him to interact with the world, it also provides him with a shield." Thea said.

"What do you mean?" Donna asked.

"The reason Diana was able to beat Ares last time is because he had a physical form here in this world, a form that could be destroyed. But now, by hiding in the veil, he's essentially using his avatar as a shield. They take all the damage while he's safely protected in the veil. And he can just keep jumping from avatar to avatar." Thea said.

"Can Artemis do that?" Donna asked.

"No. She lost that ability when she picked me, because every god has a true avatar and I'm her's. Now that we've bonded completely, she can't take on a new avatar until I die and even then, I'm hoping to pass my connection to her onto my child when I have one." Thea explained.

"Well, when the time comes, that child will be lucky to have you as a mother, I just hope that you don't make the same mistake I did." Donna said.

"Trust me, I won't." Thea said, since she knew how much Oliver had regretted not being able to be there for William in the old reality.

"But in the meantime, I'm gonna enjoy being Aunt Thea and teaching Zara how to break every single one of your rules." Thea said.

"Just another reason Garth and I have decided that now that we're getting our own place so Zara has some normalcy." Donna said.

"I figured. You two should also get real jobs." Thea said.

"We're looking. What about you?" Donna asked.

"Honestly, the more I think about Ares, the more I realize that it doesn't matter how much we do to protect this city if he's just going to tear it down." Thea said as she looked at the skyline.

"What's going through that head of yours?" Donna asked.

"I want to do more than just help San Francisco as Artemis, I want to help it as Thea Queen too. I want to build it back up into something better." Thea said.

"What are you saying?" Donna asked.

"I'm saying that the mayor's term is almost up and maybe the city needs some fresh blood. I think I'm gonna run for mayor." Thea said.

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