Chapter 14

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When the plane landed on Themyscira, Thea was unsurprised to find that the island was in mourning, since Hippoltya had been the Amazons' Queen since the tribe was founded and she was deeply loved by the whole island.

"Thea." Diana said as she approached her, dressed all in black.

"Diana, I'm so sorry for your loss." Thea said as she hugged the older woman.

"Thank you, Thea. How is your training going?" Diana asked.

"I've been making good progress and just so you know, the Titans send their condolences." Thea said and Diana nodded.

"You should go get changed into your mourning outfit. The ceremony begins at dawn." Diana said and Thea nodded as she headed for her old living quarters, where she found traditional black armor waiting for her. Thea took a deep breath before she moved to change into the armor.

Thea had to admit, she'd never been to an Amazon funeral, but she couldn't deny that they definitely knew how to set the mood. Every member of the tribe was wearing ceremonial black armor and they were playing funeral music on the horns that Thea was used to only hearing blown during combat events to announce victory.

The amazons were rallied into rows in the grand courtyard and were arranged in two groups, leaving an aisle between them and at the front was a large funeral pyre. Thea watched as Diana, her aunt Antiope and several other high ranking Amazons carried the bed that had Queen Hippolyta laid on it as she was carried towards the pyre. As the funeral party made their way down, the amazons, including Thea, pounded their left arm gauntlets against their shields as a sign of respect and mourning of their queen until they arrived at the pyre and all the Amazons took that as their cue to stop their pounding and they all knelt as Diana stepped in front of her mother's body.

"Amazons, today we gather on a sad occasion. Queen Hippolyta, the woman who has led us since Zeus created our tribe, has fallen. Today we mourn the loss of the most dedicated queen, warrior, sister and mother any of us have ever known. However, I know my mother and she wouldn't have wanted us to mourn her death, but she would've wanted us to celebrate her life. A life that she dedicated to protecting our people. Her wisdom was wide and unmatched. She was truly one of a kind and while we will continue on in honor of her memory, there will never be a queen wiser or more compassionate than her. Her death is a great loss to us all, but we will endure and we will honor her memory." Diana said as the Amazons gave a cheer in unison as Diana raised her hand and Thea, who'd been towards back to the procession for this very reason, got to her feet, summon her bow and notched an arrow, aimed it at the pyre and fired, causing the head to catch fire in mid air before it hit its target and set the pyre and Hippolyta's body ablaze.

"Today we say goodbye as we release our queen's soul to face judgment and then eternal reward in the arms of Hades in the Underworld. May she never be forgotten." Diana said as the other Amazons got to their feet.

"May she never be forgotten." The entire tribe shouted in unison as Thea and several other archers launched exploding arrows into the sky as a form of fireworks to honor their fallen queen as the ceremony concluded.

After the ceremony, Thea found herself talking to Diana alone.

"It was a beautiful speech, Diana. I know it couldn't have been easy for you. I couldn't even find the words to say at my father and brother's funeral." Thea said to her honorary big sister.

"My mother wouldn't have wanted me to mourn her death, that's not how she would've wanted to be remembered." Diana said.

"So, are you going to take the throne now, since technically, you are next in line?" Thea asked and Diana chuckled.

"No. Like you, I belong in the world of men. I can't stay here for the rest of my life. I've discussed with the council and they've agreed that my aunt Antiope will take the throne as my regent, since as my mother's younger sister, she has an equal claim to the throne." Diana said.

"Do you have any ideas what could've caused this? I thought that the Amazons were immortal on this island?" Thea asked.

"I sense the hand of Ares in this. How that's possible, I don't know, but it was him." Diana said.

"I thought you killed him?" Thea asked.

"So did I, but clearly, it didn't take." Diana said.

"I'll start looking for any trace of him when I get back and I want Donna to come back with me." Thea said.

"So she can see her daughter?" Diana asked.

"Wait, what?" Thea asked.

"Donna was my sidekick before she joined the Titans, do you really think I wasn't keeping tabs on her? I know all about her and Garth and their daughter. I just wish that Donna had told me, since then I would've been able to make a case to allow her daughter to stay here." Diana said and Thea smiled.

"She'll be very happy about that." Thea said.

"About what?" Donna asked as she joined them.

"You're coming back to San Francisco with me." Thea said.

"I'm sorry what?" Donna asked.

"Donna, I know about your daughter and no, Thea did not tell me. I just wish that you had. Then maybe I could've made a case to my mother to let her stay here. But I can tell that you're not happy here. I want you to return to San Francisco, since it's clear that's where your heart is. Be with Garth and find your daughter." Diana said.

"Are you sure?" Donna asked, not believing this was actually happening.

"Completely. I've met Arthur and while he's a bit rough around the edges, he's not that bad. I think it's time to end this war between the Amazons and Atlantis and I think that you and Garth might be the ones to do it." Diana said.

"You do realize that would require the current king of Atlantis to not be a total d-bag right?" Thea asked and Diana chuckled.

"I'm aware, but this is a start and Orm will no doubt do something to force Arthur to take the throne from him sooner or later, since from what I can tell, as long as Arthur is alive, Orm's claim to the throne is weak since he's not the first born." Diana said.

"I can really go back?" Donna asked.

"I insist on it. You belong in the world of men as much as Thea and I do and the Titans will need your help." Diana said and Donna smiled.

"Thank you Diana." Donna said as she tearfully hugged her.

"You're welcome." Diana said, happy to bring a little joy to someone on this solemn day.

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