Chapter 24

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Anarky was currently sitting in the chair he'd dubbed as his throne and he was watching the news report of his nemesis Thea Queen announcing her candidacy for the mayorship of this city. Leave it to Artemis to try and bring order to a place that knew nothing but chaos. The war god inside him stewed with fury, causing Machin even more pain than he was dealing with already. Ever since his last fight with Artemis, he felt like Ares was burning him up from the inside out. He had his hands and feet in huge tubs of ice water and ice packs covering every inch of his body trying to cool him down, but it wasn't working.

"What are you doing to me Ares?" Anarky demanded as the god appeared to him in some kind of hallucinogenic vision.

"I underestimated just how strong your vessel would be. Clearly Artemis put her vessel through some kind of preparation that I was unaware of that strengthened her host to make her better able to serve in this role. She was clearly well prepared for this." Ares grudgingly admitted.

"Can't you put me through the same prep?" Anarky asked.

"No, that would take too long and I wouldn't even know where to begin, since my sister would likely keep the rituals needed secret from me. Fortunately, I can think of another way to end your suffering and secure my return." Ares said.

"What?" Anarky asked.

"It's time to say goodbye Mr. Machin. I thank you for your aid, but this is where your thread ends. May the judges rule in your favor. Or not. I really don't care." Ares said.

"What are you?" Anarky asked, right before he felt the pain in his body surge as he felt something else attempting to enter it. No someone else and that was when he realized what was happening.

"What are you doing?" Anarky asked as he tried to fight what was happening, but it was futile.

"What needs to be done to secure my revenge. Your mortal form, while weak, the physical form I need. And it's hosted my greatness long enough that it can now serve a new purpose. The foundation of my new form. Once I make some modifications to it." Ares said.

"No. That wasn't our deal." Anarky reminded him.

"I promised you power and you'll have plenty of it. Or rather, your body will. It's not my fault you're a shitty negotiator." Ares said as he noticed his puppet trying to go for the sword he'd taken from the Yakuza boss.

"Nice try. What do you think you're doing?" Ares asked.

"You can't use my body if it's already dead. And since I'm dying anyways, I'd rather go out on my own terms." Anarky said as he tried to grip the sword, only for Ares to laugh as he stopped him.

"You really think your puny will can compare to that of a god's? Especially one who has been feeding on the worst aspects of humanity for decades. And fuelled even more by you? Your rage, your pain and anger were the tools of your own demise." Ares said smugly as he heard one final weak gasp of protest from Machin before his life was extinguished, leaving his body free for Ares to remodel as he pleased. Which was good, because while this form was suitable, it would require lots of modification before Ares would be satisfied with it, since while it wasn't his own godly form yet, it was a form that would allow him to rise and take his father's now empty throne on Olympus. That is, once he'd eliminated all potential rivals he had.

But for now, he needed to cement his control over this new form and learn its limitations before he began his crusade. Besides, using Machin's form offered him another advantage. He now had command of the army Machin had assembled in his name. It was time to put it to use.

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