Chapter 7

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The following morning found Thea waking up feeling better than she had in years, since she'd finally scratched an itch that had been driving her crazy for the better part of two years, honestly, she didn't know the Amazons survived without sex for so long. It seemed almost inhumane to her.

But then again, that might've just been because of how good her partner was, since she had to admit, Aquaman was a definite improvement over most of her exes. Speaking of, Thea rolled over in bed to find Arthur staring at her and she did not mind one bit, since she found him just as attractive as he did her. Well probably almost as attractive as her, since she was literally a goddess.

"So, in summary, you're possessed by the goddess Artemis who chose you to apparently stop some kind of apocalyptic event and while you completed your training with the Amazons, now she wants you to train with the Atlanteans?" Arthur asked, summing up what Thea had told him between rounds last night.

"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up." Thea said and Arthur chuckled.

"You do realize this also sounds like something from a crappy sci-fi fantasy tv show right?" Arthur asked.

"This coming from the guy who can talk to fish?" Thea pointed out and Arthur chuckled.

"Touche." Arthur said.

"So, will you take me there?" Thea asked.

"One question, how many weapons do you have, since those water breathers will not take kindly to an air breather, especially one who gives off the aura of the Amazons, since they're sworn enemies." Arthur said.

"I'm aware, but luckily being the moon goddess means I have some pull over the oceans and yes, I have plenty of weapons." Thea said and Arthur smiled.

"Then let's get going. But maybe it can wait until after one more round?" Arthur asked and Thea grinned.

"Who says it's only gonna be one? It's been two years since I've had sex, I need to get my fill." Thea said and Arthur grinned as he climbed on top of her.

After Thea and Arthur finally left Thea's hotel, Thea grabbed her weapons stash and followed Arthur to the docks.

"So, what, are we going to be swimming to Atlantis?" Thea asked.

"No, that would take forever. But we are going to do some swimming. Hope that herb you told me about really works." Arthur said as he dove into the sea.

"Yeah, you and me both." Thea said a bit nervously as she summoned her Artemis armor just to be safe, since while it wouldn't do much to help with the breathing part, but there was something about it that made her feel braver and it did offer her some forms of protection but then she steeled her nerves and jumped into the sea after Arthur, holding her breath at first as she thrashed and struggled at first until she finally was forced to let her breath go and as soon as she did, she felt the herb kick and suddenly, she felt her senses adapt to see underwater while she began breathing underwater.

"It looks like that herb works." Arthur said.

"Yeah, I honestly wasn't sure it would until now." Thea said and Arthur grinned.

"Follow me." Arthur said as he led Thea towards some kind of rock formation where he revealed some kind of high tech submarine.

"What is this?" Thea asked.

"It's a birthday gift from an old friend who wanted me to visit Atlantis, but I never had much reason to go there until now. And I'm only going to be taking you to the gates. After that, you're on your own." Arthur said.

"Any help is welcomed. Now let's go." Thea said as she got in the passenger seat of the ship.

"As you wish. Just remember, I warned you they probably won't take your appearance well." Arthur said.

"And we'll see how well that goes for them." Thea said and Arthur chuckled.

"I might just hang around to see if you can back up that talk." Arthur said and Thea chuckled as Arthur started up the ship and they headed out.

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