Chapter 8

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Thea was in awe as they approached the borders of Atlantis, since it looked amazing, but was surprised when Arthur pulled the craft over into the outskirts.

"What's going on?" Thea asked.

"I called an old friend to help make sure that you don't start a war between Atlantis and the surface." Arthur said as Thea saw a man wearing some kind of dark blue bodysuit floating next to the ship.

"Thea Queen, meet my old mentor and the vizier to the throne of Atlantis, Nuidis Vulko." Arthur said, making the introduction.

"Ms. Queen. You're not Atlantean, how are you breathing this far underwater?" Vulko asked.

"A gift from the gods. Well, technically, one god in specific." Thea said.

"That armor you're wearing, it resembles the armor of the Amazons." Vulko said.

"Long story, but yes, I have spent the past few years on Themyscira training with the Amazons and before you brush me off, you should know that I was sent here to Atlantis by the last surviving old god, Artemis." Thea said.

"Really?" Vulko asked skeptically, only to have that skepticism removed when Thea's eyes glowed a lunar silver and he could see an actual godly aura around her.

"Okay, I believe you, but can you blame me for being skeptical?" Vulko asked.

"Nope, I get it. The Olympians were wiped out centuries ago, but before that happened, Artemis was spared thanks to her father casting her out. Long story, don't ask. But anyways, she and I are connected and she sent me here for training for a threat that's coming." Thea said.

"Unfortunately, the current leadership of Atlantis will never approve of teaching a surface dweller our ways, even if she is connected to one of the old gods. The only exception I could see being made would be if the god you were connected to was Poseidon, since he is our patron and not even the worst of our people would offend him." Non said.

"I see Orm is the same as ever." Arthur said, confusing Thea on how Arthur knew the king of Atlantis's name.

"That wouldn't be a problem if you'd take your rightful place." Vulko said.

"Not happening." Arthur said, swimming away.

"Okay, you gonna tell me what that was about?" Thea asked.

"The current king of Atlantis, King Orm, is Arthur's younger half brother through their mother and because of that, Arthur is technically considered the true heir to the throne of Atlantis, since the royal bloodline runs through his mother's family. However, Arthur wants nothing to do with Atlantis because of how our people reacted to his mother having a child that was not only out of wedlock, but also one with a person from the surface." Vulko said.

"I'm guessing they did not take it well." Thea said.

"They sentenced her to be executed, hence why Arthur hates Atlantis and refuses to take the throne, no matter how much he needs too." Vulko said.

"You can't force the throne onto anyone, especially someone who doesn't want it and for good reason. Arthur needs to decide he wants the throne himself. Or something drastic needs to happen to force his hand. Either way, you can't force it on him." Thea said and Vulko nodded, knowing she was right.

"Anyways, if you won't take me into Atlantis, do you know of someone who will train me, since I can't leave here without a teacher." Thea said.

"I might know someone who can help you. Someone who needs to escape from Atlantis." Orm said.

"What?" Thea asked.

"Arthur's mother was not the only Atlantean to travel to the surface. After execution. I sent a young warrior there to keep tabs on Arthur and also help with his training when I could not, since Queen Atlanna's last wish before her death was for me to prepare Arthur to take the throne, since she believed, like I do, that his destiny is to take the throne and unite the worlds above and below the sea. Anyways, when Orm discovered this warrior, he was sentenced to death, but I rescued him and sent him into hiding. He'd be an excellent teacher." Vulko said.

"What's this name?" Thea asked.

"Garth. I sent him back to live on the surface, since fortunately, he's a highborn, which means he can breathe air as well as water. I sent him to the surface to keep him safe until Arthur eventually accepts his destiny and takes the throne so he can return." Vulko said.

"Good to know. Do you know where he is?" Thea asked.

"I believe he's living in the city you call San Francisco." Vulko said.

"Great, I've always wanted to go to California." Thea said.

"Is that all?" Vulko asked.

"Yeah, it is. Thank you and I'm sure that Arthur will take the throne eventually. You just can't force it on him." Thea said and Vulko nodded, knowing that Thea was right.

"Best of luck Thea. Hopefully someday you'll be able to see Atlantis." Vulko said.

"Since I have a feeling that someday I'll be fighting at Arthur's side to stop Orm from attacking my world, I'm sure I will." Thea said.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." Vulko said, even though he had a feeling that she was right.

"Well, I have a feeling that's what it'll take to get Arthur to take the throne. Now anyways, I'd better get going. Especially before Arthur leaves me stranded here." Thea said, since she could tell that Arthur was getting ready to leave.

"Best of luck." Vulko said as he watched Thea swim towards Arthur's ship.

Yes, this story will eventually take place in San Francisco and the Garth I mentioned will be the one from Titans, since this story will be taking aspects from that show. I hope you guys like it.

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