Chapter 22

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Before she made the announcement about her plans for the city, Thea decided there was someone she needed to call for some advice about how to do this.

"Speedy, what a surprise." Oliver's voice said on the other end of the call when he picked up.

"Yeah, so glad I'm not using that name anymore. I prefer Artemis." Thea said with a smile.

"I don't care what you call yourself, you'll always be Speedy to me." Oliver said.

"As long as that's not my codename, fine." Thea said.

"So, to what do I owe this call?" Oliver asked.

"I need some advice." Thea said.

"If it's about leading a team, I say just do everything you saw me do and you'll be fine." Oliver said.

"Please, that's what I do if I want the Titans to turn on me." Thea said.

"Very funny. But really Thea, what's going on." Oliver asked.

"I've been thinking about entering the race for mayor here in San Francisco and I was wondering if you had any tips for balancing being the mayor and being a vigilante." Thea said.

"Are you forgetting that I was impeached because I couldn't balance those two jobs?" Oliver asked.

"You were impeached because Ricardo Diaz set you up." Thea corrected.

"You know what I mean. The only reason I was able to make it as long as I did as mayor was because you basically ran city hall for me half the time." Oliver said.

"Why do you think I'm running for mayor? I was already basically mayor when I was your chief of staff." Thea said and she smiled when she heard Oliver laugh on the other end of the call.

"True. And I think that you'll be an even better mayor than I was. Just remember to do some serious vetting of all your staff, especially your DA. I always had trouble hiring them. Probably because the only good one the city could've had died before I had the chance to make her my DA." Oliver said.

"Sounds like things are going well for you and Laurel this time around. Not cheating on her." Thea said.

"Yeah. Things between us are going well. What about you and Roy?" Oliver asked.

"Things are going much more smoothly than they ever did in the old reality. I guess the fact that this time our relationship isn't built on lies like it was before. Turns out honesty really is the key. I'm not lying to him and he's not lying to me. We're finally in a good place. Like really good." Thea said with a smile.

"You're finally in a stable relationship?" Oliver asked, teasing his little sister.

"Like you're much better." Thea reminded him.

"At least I managed to make it down the aisle." Oliver said.

"Funny, I don't remember there ever actually being an aisle for you and Felicity. The way I heard it, you kind of hijacked Barry and Iris's day." Thea reminded him.

"And I've already promised Barry that won't happen again." Oliver said.

"Good. Because considering this time the bride will be the person everyone thought would be growing up, there's no way I will not be there when it happens." Thea said.

"Got it. But on that topic, what about you and Roy? I mean, you two have been together for a while in both realities now and you told me yourself that you're the best version of yourself when you're with him. Should I be expecting Roy to ask me a certain question since dad's gone and there's no way he'd ever ask Malcolm." Oliver asked.

"I don't know, but if he does, you'd better give him your blessing, since you know I'll marry him with or without it." Thea said and Oliver chuckled.

"Relax Thea. Roy is the only guy I'd ever give my blessing to marry you. And I plan on being the one to walk you down the aisle." Oliver said and Thea smiled.

"Good. Because with dad gone, there's no one else I'd rather have do it. And I'm sure that Emiko would say the same thing. Especially since she's not a homicidal maniac anymore." Thea said.

"That is a relief. But seriously Thea, I think that you're going to be an amazing mayor and not only a better mayor than I was, but also a better leader." Oliver said and Thea smiled.

"Thanks Ollie." Thea said.

"Anytime Speedy." Oliver said as he hung up and Thea did the same.

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