Chapter 21

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Over the next few weeks, the Titans began to make changes in their lives, the biggest one being that they were all moving out of the tower, since it was a bit too small for all of them and living in the base wasn't exactly convenient right now, especially since Thea was insisting that they all start getting real jobs as covers, since she and Dick couldn't keep getting by simply as socialites and it Garth and Donna did not want Zara to think that you could just get by in life by not having to work.

They were the first ones to move out, getting an actual house in the suburbs. Nice place, three floors, including the basement, big backyard that had space for both land and water combat training, meaning a lawn and a pool, since an Amazon and an Atlantean wouldn't have it any other way. Zara was thrilled since her new room was larger than any other place she'd lived in her whole life, though she was less than thrilled when her parents had made her enroll in actual school for a taste of normal life. Speaking of normal, both Garth and Donna had gotten jobs, since while the Titans were still helping them make rent, they wanted to give the appearance of normal lives. Donna had gotten a job as a freelance photographer and Garth had gotten a job as a marine worker at the San Francisco Zoo, since he had a natural connection with the animals.

The next ones to move out were Thea and Roy, who got a swanky penthouse in the more high end side of the city. Their penthouse took up the top two floors of their apartment building and it was very high end. The penthouse had its own private elevator, since Thea had spared no cost in security, though the private elevator was already there. Anyways, the elevator came out right into the living room of their apartment, which was located on the main floor, along with the kitchen, which Thea had claimed dominion over, since she knew that Roy had no idea how to cook anything beyond a bowl of cereal, whereas she, in addition to having been taught a few things by Raisa and her brother, along with her time on Themyscira, she'd also always been a fan of those cooking competition shows on tv and she was actually a very good chef. Anyways, in addition to the living room and the kitchen, the main floor also had their own laundry room and a few extra rooms, one of which Thea was planning on turning into a home office since she'd already gotten involved in the politics of the city and was making plans to reveal her candidacy for mayor soon, along with a few other rooms what they were likely going to be using for storage for right now, though that could change, especially since they were planning on turning one of them into a secret armory with a stash of weapons as a precaution and Thea was also planning on turning another one into a shrine to Themyscira and the Amazons, though she'd be keeping that private too. The floor also had a screening room with a huge tv screen that was almost like their own private movie theater, and Thea had even agreed to give Roy his own room as a man cave and they still had an extra room left over. The second floor had four bedrooms, including the master one, which would obviously be Thea and Roy's and for right now the other rooms would serve as either storage or guest rooms. Finally, the living room had a pair of glass doors that led to a decent sized balcony. And while Thea had gone into politics, Roy had talked to Lyla, who got him set up with a job at the Argus base in San Francisco, where he was a field agent and trainer for the agents, since Lyla knew that Roy was more well trained than at least half the operatives she had in San Francisco, though he was special orders from her to stay in San Francisco so he could continue to work with the Titans.

Finally, Dick and Kory were the last ones to move out of the tower, moving into a loft downtown, which, while it wasn't as luxurious as Thea and Roy's place, it was still nice, though it was smaller. It had a living room, kitchen, a few side rooms and a second floor with three bedrooms. Dick had gotten a job as a police detective for the San Francisco Police Department while Kory had decided to go into the movie business, since she had admit, there something about the spotlight that she did find alluring.

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