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"You have a badly bruised ankle and it will have to heal slowly. This also means that you won't be able to play football and train for an uncertain number of weeks. I'm sorry." The doctor tells me. 

I sigh and nod. 

"Thankyou doctor." I tell him, showing him a little smile. 

He walks away, leaving me alone in the room. 

Fucking hell. 

This is not what I expected. 

And this certainly isn't what I need right now. 

"There is someone here to see you." A nurse tells me, leaning against the doorframe. 

"Who is it?" I ask curious, not expecting anyone. 

"He told me his name is Pedri and that he's your best friend. Should I let him in?" She asks me. 

I hesitate, but agree and tell the nurse to let him in. 


Pedri's pov. 

I see the nurse walk towards me. 

"He's in room 203. Please make sure that he can rest and don't overstimulate him." She gives me a small smile. 

I return the gesture and nod my head in response. 

I walk up the stairs and reach the second floor. 

I look for room 203, but when I find it I hesitate. 

Is this a good idea? 

What if he's still mad at me? 

I shake my head and open the room. 

Our eyes meet and I can immediately see the pain that he's in. 

I walk towards him and take him into a hug. 

I feel how he pulls me closer and his breathing gets faster. 

"Are you okay?" I ask him. 

He stays quiet. 

Then soft sobs leave his mouth, letting me know that he's everything but okay. 

I haven't seen him like this many times, but I know how much football means to him. 

It's his escape from reality and it really calms him down. 

"Hey, it will be alright. Everything will be okay." I assure him. 

I take a step back and look at his face. 

His eyes are swollen and red, meaning that he held it in for a long time. 

"I'm sorry." He quickly says as he wipes away his tears. 

"Pablo, don't ever apologise for crying. Especially to me. I'm your best friend and I will be here through it all." I tell him, giving him an assuring smile. 

I sit down on the stool next to the bed and take his hand. 

"No, I'm sorry for how I behaved these last weeks. I've been a horrible friend to you. All because of some girl." He tells me as he stares at the ceiling. 

"It's okay. I deserved it. I should've let you explain and I should've taken your side." I tell him. 

"So, we're good?" He questions me. 

"All good." I tell him. 


Pablo's pov. 

Relief takes over my body. 

I don't know what I would do without him by my side. 

"So, what's the injury? It looked pretty bad on the field." He tells me and I remember how I got carried away by a stretcher. 

"My ankle is badly bruised and I can't play or train for an uncertain period of time." I explain him. 

Pedri shakes his head in disbelief. 

"Training will be boring without you." He smiles and looks at me. 

"Yeah I know." I laugh. 


Pedri has been gone for a few hours and I'm starting to get bored. 

I've been scrolling through insta and tiktok, but after a while that becomes boring too. 

I close my eyes and try to sleep, maybe that will make the time go by faster, but I get interrupted by phone. 

I take it and see that I got a text from Selena. 

S: 'Hey, I saw on the tv what happend. Are you okay? Is it bad?' 

P: Hey. Well, I got a badly bruised ankle and I can't play or train for an uncertain period of time. 

S: Oh wow. That's bad. I know how much football means to you, so I know this won't be easy on you. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. 

P: Thankyou. I will let you know if there's anything. 

S: Good. Now take care and please take all the rest you need and don't rush the recovery process. Sleep well! 

P: I won't. Goodnight :) 

I put my phone away and started thinking. 

Have I been too harsh on her? 

Maybe she just wanted to test her cousin, because she did it before with Charles. 

But does that mean that she tested me as well? 

Doesn't she trust me? 

Have I been bad to her? 

No, that can't be. I have treated her well. 

Maybe I do need to let her explain? 

Maybe it will clear up a lot.


What do you guys think? should he let her explain?

so since school will start for me again, my upload schedule may also change, sorry about that!

Have a good night/day/morning everyone! Love u all🫶🏻

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