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It's going well between me and Pablo, I can feel that there is something there.

The only thing that I don't get is his inconsistency.

One time he's all sweet and kind and then the next he is rude and doesn't wanna talk to me.

Like last week, he didn't wanna talk to me and was all rude because he had a bad game.

Sure I know that that sucks and that it can be hard to not perform like you wish, but he doesn't need to make it my problem.

And don't get me wrong, I want to be there for him and I want to help him, but I like how he was last week.

"Lena, when is Pablo coming over again? I haven't seen him in a while." My mother asks me.

She adores him.

Even my dad likes him and that says a lot.

I love that he's good with my family, especially because my aunt and uncle will come over tomorrow.

My mom invited Pablo over for the family dinner.

"He's coming over tomorrow, remember? For family dinner." I tell her, plopping down on the couch.

I really get along with my aunt, uncle and nephew.

My niece on the other hand, not my favourite person.

We have had issues in the past and never really talked it out, mainly because she thinks that she did nothing wrong.

So I'm nervous for tomorrow.

The doorbell rings and I hear my mother open the door.

"Hello mon doux." I hear her say.

I immediately know who's at the door.

"Sel?" I hear him say.

"I'm on the couch." I tell him.

Pedri sits down next to me and starts looking at how I'm scrolling through tiktok.

"Sel? What does 'mon doux' mean?" He suddenly asks me.

"Your mother has been calling me that for weeks, but I have no clue what it means." He says, a smile creeping on his face.

"It means 'my sweet' in french." I tell him, making his smile bigger.

"Your mom likes me." He grins.

His eyes begin to twinkle, it's cute.

"She does, a lot." I smile at him, as my mom appears with two drinks.

"Would you like to stay for dinner, Pedri?" She asks the boy next to me.

"Yes, I would love to." He smiles at my mom and thanks her for the drink.

"So tell me, are you nervous about tomorrow?" He asks me, folding his arms.

I lay my phone down, knowing that this conversation is going to get on my nerves.

"Of course I am. Especially after what she did the last time I brought someone to dinner." I sigh.

Pedri takes me into his arms and I rest my head on his chest.

Pedri and I have grown close over the last couple of months.

I see him as my bestfriend and kind of my therapist, but he has a number one supporter in return.

"Just go with the flow and if she does it again you tell her off." He advised me, kissing my hair.

"Should I tell Pablo?" I ask him, lifting my head to see his face.

His eyebrows frown and I can see that he's thinking.

"I wouldn't, because he would change his behaviour towards her. Then you get a view of how they both would behave in a situation like that." He tells me, making me nod.

"That's true." I say.

"Food is almost ready." My mom shouts from the kitchen.


"And remember, please no drama with your niece. I want it to be a peaceful and nice dinner." My mother tells me.

I sigh and just walk away, not wanting to say something out of anger.

"What's wrong, Ange?" My dad asks, stopping me from walking away.

"I'm just nervous about Gisèle. I hope she knows how to behave herself this time." I groan in annoyance.

He takes me into a hug and strokes my hair.

We stand there for a while.

I'm so glad I have a good relationship with my parents, since I know that it can also be the other way around.

"I'm sure that she'll behave herself today." He says, but in a hesitant voice.

The doorbell rings and I sigh, stepping back from the hug.

"Now put on your best act, it will be over before you know it." He tells me and places a kiss on my forehead.

We walk to the hall and see how my mom opens the door, revealing my family.

My nephew, Jules, immediately runs up to me.

I have a good bond with him and miss him the most.

"Hi there bébé." I say as I pick him up.

He's four and the cutest little boy.

I talk a while with Jules, until my aunt and uncle walk up to me, to greet me.

"Hi tante et oncle." I say as I give them both a hug.

Then Gisèle stands in front of me.

"Nice to see you, Selena." She says in the most bitter voice.

"You too, Gisèle." I tell her, giving her the same energy she gives me.

We walk to the kitchen and I hear my aunt speak up.

"So I heard we have a special guest." She smiles at me and in the corner of my eye I can see Gisèle grin.

"Yes, Pablo is coming over." I tell my aunt.

"So, it's a boy." She says, looking at my mom.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Jules asks.

"No we're not a couple yet, but we really like each other." I explain to Jules.

We sit down and I'm seated between Jules and an empty stool for Pablo,

I just listen to my parents, aunt and uncle talk, until the doorbell rings.

Here we go...


Would love to have Pedri as my bestfriend, he seems so sweet and caring<3

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