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The next day Selena felt different, as if someone had slapped her across her face.

All she could think about was how she let a boy get to her like that.

Why did she even care, she only knew him for three days or so.

Her thoughts get interrupted when her phone starts ringing, it's Valeria.

"Hey you." She speaks.

"Hey Val." Selena responses.

"How are you doing? You know, after yesterday. You looked so upset, I just wanted to know if everything is okay and if I could do anything for you to make you feel better." Valeria says, making Selena smile.

"I don't really know what happend. Do you have time to hang out today?" Selena asks her, hoping she would say yes.

"Of course, when can I come? Oh and should I bring something so we could do like a girls night?" Valeria asks excitedly, making Selena laugh.

"Yes, but be sure to let me know how much it costs so I can give it back." Selena tells her, but she hears Valeria laugh on the other side.

"No, this night is on me. Now text me the address and I'll be there as soon as I can." Valeria hangs up, not wanting to discuss with Selena.

Selena quickly sends her her address and lays down on her bed, wandering away in her thoughts again.


"What was yesterday all about?" Pedri asks his best friend.

"Oh nothing." He says, brushing it off.

"Come on, I know something happend." Pedri tells Pablo.

"I could see it on Selena's face, you said or did something." He states, making Pablo stand up from the couch.

"What did she say?" He asks, looking at Pedri.

"She said nothing, but the reaction you just gave me says enough. What did you do?" Pedri asks him again.

"I kind of flirted with her or something." Pablo says, sitting down again.

"Or something?" Pedri raises his eyebrow.

"She helped me in the kitchen yesterday, remember?" Pedri nods in response.

"Well we were talking and I told her how I felt safe and comfortable around her, like I've known her for years. She told me she felt the same, saying that it felt easy with me." Pablo says, looking at the ground.

"She kept looking down, so I took her chin to make her look at me. Then I noticed that she was nervous, so I asked her why. She didn't give me a full answer so I asked her if I made her nervous. Before I could say anything else she told me that we should stop doing what we were doing and then I don't know." Pablo stopped talking, but Pedri knew that there was more to the story.

"What happend after that?" He asks and Pablo sighs.

"I told her that I didn't know what she was talking about and walked away, leaving her in the kitchen. Then when she came back in the living room Camila had come in and she clearly didn't know." Pablo looks at his fingers.

"Do you really feel like that towards her?" Pedri asks, looking at his best friend.

He hasn't seen him like this before.

"Yes, I do feel safe and comfortable around her. On the other hand, I think I'm crazy." He chuckles.

"I mean how can you have these feelings for someone when you have only known them for two days, that's impossible. Right?" Pablo asks, looking like a lost puppy.


"So he told me that he wasn't gonna do anything and walked away without saying another word. Leaving me alone in the kitchen and when I came back Camila was there. I felt so out of place that I just had to leave. I'm sorry that you had to leave that quickly too. It wasn't my intention." Selena apologises.

"No, don't apologise. It wasn't your fault that he made you feel uncomfortable. I just can't get my head around the fact that he left like he wasn't doing anything. I mean, when he came back in the living room he acted like nothing special happend in the kitchen, but when I saw your face after you saw Camila I knew something was up." Valeria tells her, making Selena at ease she didn't mind.

"I just don't understand him, why would he do that if he has a girlfriend?" Selena thinks out loud.

"I don't understand that part either, but real question. Do you like him?" Valeria questions Selena, making Selena blush.

"Well I think liking is too big of a word right now, but I do feel things for him. Like I said earlier, I feel so safe and comfortable around him. Like everything is so easy. But then I think to myself, no Selena you can't fall for a boy that quickly." She explains to Valeria.


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Have a nice day, love u all x

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