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Selena woke up pretty early to get ready for Pablo's training. 

She's really excited and can't wait to meet everyone. 

She never was a big football fan, but over the last few years she started watching more and more football. 

"Mom, I have to go soon." Selena yells down the stairs. 

"Wait, where are you going?" Her mom asks, standing at the bottom of the stairs. 

"I made a friend yesterday and I'm gonna watch his training." She tells her mom. 

"Are you sure you can trust him?" Her mother questions her. 

"Yes, he seems like a really nice guy." She answers as she walks down the stairs. 

"Now, I have to go and I will let you know if I'm being kidnapped." Selena laughs at her mother. 

"Lena, don't make jokes like that." Her mom shouts after her, making Selena laugh harder. 


Selena arrives at the training field, immediately recognizing a familiar face. 

"You made it." The boy in front of her smiles, while giving her a hug. 

"Yes, of course. Wouldn't wanna miss this." Selena smiles at Pablo. 

He turns around, watching the group of boys playing with the ball. 

"Pedri!" He shouts, waving at a boy to come over. 

He sees it and runs towards the two. 

"Hi." He says, laying his arm on Pablo's shoulder. 

He makes eye contact with Selena and smiles, Selena returns the gesture. 

"I'm Pedri." He says, as he holds out his hand. 

"I'm Selena." She says, taking his hand. 

"So, how do you know Pablo?" Pedri asks her. 

"We met yesterday. I just moved here and he offered to show me around." Selena says, smiling at Pablo. 

Before either of them could say something a man shouts at the two boys to come over since the training was about to start. 

"You can watch over there, we'll get you when training is done. A friend of ours is sitting there also, Valeria." Pedri says before walking away with Pablo. 

Selena walks over to the stands, seeing the girl. 

She walks towards her and her face starts to light up. 

"Valeria?" She says, making the girl look up. 

"Oh my god, Selena." Valeria says, jumping up and taking the girl in her arms. 

"I've missed you." They both say in sync. 

Valeria pulls away from the hug and studies Selena's face. 

"You are just as beautiful as when I left." She comments, making Selena blush. 

"I can say the same for you." Selena states. 

Valeria and Selena were really good friends when they lived in France, but when Valeria moved to Barcelona their contact faded. 

 "What are you doing here?" She questions, sitting down again. 

Selena sits down next to her and watches how the boys have fun on the field. 

"I moved here yesterday and when I went on a walk I bumped into Pablo, or well he kinda saved my life. We talked and he took me to this park as we ate the ice cream he bought. Then he invited me to watch training and of course I said yes." Selena explains, taking her focus back to Valeria. 

"What do you mean, he saved your life?" Valeria asks, making Selena laugh. 

"I was walking and admiring the trees, but I hadn't noticed that I began to walk on the street. So out of nowhere I saw two headlights coming my way, but before they could get to me Pablo pulled me off the street." She says, smiling at the thought of Pablo saving her. 

"That's such a thing for you to do." Valeria laughs. 

"Good thing that Pablo was there." Valeria says, making Selena chuckle. 

The training has been going on for like an hour and the girls are getting bored. 

Valeria her eyes wander off to the sideline and she almost gags when she sees Camila walking there. 

"What's wrong?" Selena asks her. 

"Don't look right away, but Pablo's girlfriend Camila is here. I can't stand the girl." She tells, as Selena her eyes slowly make their way to where the girl is walking. 

She sees how she makes her way over to them, hearing Valeria sigh behind her. 

Selena takes her attention to the boys and concentrates on them, but it doesn't last long until she gets interrupted by Camila. 

"I've never seen you here before." She says. 

Selena can immediately tell what Valeria meant with 'I can't stand the girl.' 

"That's because I've never been here before." Selena tells her, not taking her eyes off the boys. 

"Uhm who do you think you are? You can look at me when you're talking to me." Camila nags, making Selena look up. 

"And you don't need to talk to me that way." Selena says, making Camila huff. 

"What are you even doing here anyway?" She asks, sitting down. 

"Pablo invited me to come watch the training." Selena says, making Valeria laugh. 

"My Pablo would never do that." She hisses. 

The trainer tells the boys that training is done and Selena sees how Pedri and Pablo come their way. 

"Well, ask him yourself."

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