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The car ride was silent again. 

I think everyone was trying to process what happend. 

"You can all sleep at mine if you want?" I ask them, all three nod in response. 

I have an extra room so that wouldn't be a problem. 

"Do your parents know where you are?" Pedri asks the girls, they both shake their heads. 

They take their phones and start typing, so I'm assuming that they're texting their parents. 

We arrive at mine and decide to go straight to bed. 

Pedri and Valeria are the first to go upstairs, which leaves me alone with Selena. 

"I can take the couch, you take my bed." I tell her and start to walk towards the living room, but she stops me. 

"We need to talk this out." She states. 

I shake my head and walk away, but she stops me again. 

"Pablo, I'm serious. I miss you." She mumbled. 

I turn around to face her, seeing her so sad makes me feel guilty.. 

"I've missed you too." I confessed, making her smile a little. 

"I'm sorry for not telling you, you know, about Gisèle. I should've told you and explained everything, then maybe she wouldn't have pushed herself on you. Then maybe we would've been close and us again. I regret it so much. We haven't been with each other for months and it's killing me, but it also made me realise things. I love you, Pablo." She whispers, taking a step forward. 

Of course I forgive her and I hope she will forgive me too, but saying I love you is a big thing for me. 

I haven't told anyone those words, except for my family and some friends. 

"I forgive you, but will you forgive me too? For being a dick and not letting you explain. I missed you so much, you have no idea." I tell her, her smile shrinks and I know exactly why. 

"Look, I know that you want me to say it back, but I just can't yet. I really really like you, but those words make me really nervous and I want to tell them when I'm really meaning it. Like a hundred percent." I explain to her and she nods, a smile creeping on her face again. 

"And I really want to voice my emotions more. I'm just scared that you'll leave me when I fall out again." I told her. 

I see her expression change, from confused to understanding. 

"I can live with that." She chuckles. 

"Je t'aime, Pablo." She tells me and I can't help but smile. 

"You're blushing so hard." She laughs at me. 

Our eyes meet and for a moment everything is quiet. 

I take a step towards her and cup her face. 

"Selena." I begin, feeling a bit nervous for what I'm about to ask. 

"Yes, Pablo?" She questions me. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask her, not taking my eyes off of her. 

"I would love nothing more." She smiles. 

She stares me in the eyes and then looks at my lips, thinking I wouldn't notice. 

"Kiss me." I tell her. 

I can see that she's taken back by my comment. 

"Please.." I almost beg and that's when she connects her lips with mine. 

A feeling of needing and lust fills my body, but before things can escalate I feel a pair of eyes on us. 

I break the kiss and look up. 

I find myself looking at two pretty entertained people. 

"Took you long enough." Pedri chuckles. 

"Now please don't become mad at each other again. I hate it when you two bicker." Valeria frowns, but smiles when she sees how happy her friends are. 

"Now let's get these two to bed." Pedri says, getting a soft slap from Valeria. 

"Be nice." She says, before they disappear in their room for the night. 

"Let's go upstairs." I tell Selena and she nods in response. 

She takes my hand and leads me to our room. 

We change and crawl into bed. 

"Goodnight mi amor." I tell her and kiss her head. 

"Goodnight amour." She answers and lays her head down on my chest. 

So this is how relationships go? 

Ups and down, bickering, loving, hating it and all over again. 

To be honest I don't mind. 

I really want to make it with this girl. 

I don't think this is a short term relationship. 

At least I can say that I'm falling asleep tonight with the girl I like in my arms...


So this was it, the last chapter of this story.

I really hope you all liked it and fell in love with Pablo just like I did when I was writing him. (istg he's annoying sometimes)

I want to thank you all for reading this book and letting me know what you all thought, it is so funny to read all your comments.

So goodbye to this book and see you all at the next.

Don't forget to give me story ideas of you have a good idea, or try writing it yourself. It can be so therapeutic🫶🏻

Love u all and have a great day/night/morning!❤

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