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I've been home for a few weeks now and can finally walk again, sort of. 

It's been hard, especially since I haven't been talking to Selena. 

I missed her during my rehab and I'm kinda falling apart. 

I miss her, I really do, but I'm scared to talk to her again. 

Scared that she won't want me anymore. 

Maybe I should just text her and ask her to come over. 

My phone begins to vibrate, taking my attention. 

It's her. 

It's Selena calling me. 

"Hello?" I answer. 

I hear her breathing over the phone, as if she was panicking. 

"Selena? Are you there?" I ask, hearing people's voices and music in the background. 

Still no answer. 

"Selena, please. Tell me where you are!" I raise my voice. 

I can feel myself beginning to panic. 

"Please, come and get me. I'll send you my location." Selena suddenly whispers and hangs up. 

I immediately called Pedri. 

"Hey, what's up?" He says as he picks up the phone. 

"You need to pick me up right now!" I say, trying to sound as urgent as possible. 

"Wait, what's wrong?" He quickly asks, I can hear that he's moving. 

"We need to get to Selena. I think she might be in trouble." I explained to him. 

"She called me and told me to get her." I tell him, feeling myself getting sick. 

I would have never thought that I would care for a girl like this in such little time. 

She does make me really happy, it scares me. 

This whole thing scares me. 

Pedri lets me know that he's in front of my house and I quickly get in his car. 

"Where do we need to go?" Is the first thing he asks me. 

I tell him the address and he starts to drive. 

The car ride is quiet, we both can't get any words out. 

After a while we arrive at the place and I see that it's a club. 

We walk inside, but get stopped by security. 

"Names?" He asks, making me sigh in response. 

"Pedri Gonzalez and Pablo Gavi." Pedri quickly says. 

The man takes a form and begins reading it. 

"You guys are not on the list." He says, folding his arms. 

"We just need to get someone and then we'll be out." I tell him and take a step forward, but get pushed back. 

"You aren't getting in." He tells us, but I don't care. 

Selena needs me. 

Pedri begins to feel in his pocket, he takes out a note and gives it to the man. 

The man hesitates, but lets us go and we walk into the club. 

The smell of alcohol and sweat slams in my face, making me feel even more sick. 

We look over the crowd, but can't find her. 

Who I do find is Valeria. 

I begin to walk and check if Pedri is following me. 

I walk up to Valeria and tap her on the shoulder. 

She turns around and she seems surprised to see me. 

"What are you two doing here?" She asks us, falling into Pedri's arms. 

"You're drunk." Pedri sighs, trying to hold her up. 

"Where's Selena?" I ask her, hoping to get a promising answer. 

"Last time I saw her she went to the bathroom. Like ten minutes ago." She says and I try to get there as fast as I can. 

When I see the bathroom I open the door and immediately get nasty looks from the girls inside, but I couldn't care less. 

"Selena?" I begin to yell, trying to get over the music. 

"Selena? Where are you?" I walk past the stalls and stop when I hear sobs. 

"Selena? Are you in there?" I ask her, knocking on the door. 

It stays quiet, no answer. 

The door softly opens, revealing a sobbing Selena. 

I open the door and get in, closing it behind me. 

I crouch down to face her and see that her eyes are red and puffy from crying. 

"What happend?" I ask her, trying to get her to look at me. 

"There were these men. First off it was fine, they were nice and we had a great talk, but then it went downwards. They started to get pushy and touchy. Val didn't notice anything and went to the bathroom. It's like something in them changed and they started to push and grab me. I didn't know what to do, so I ran away and hid here." Tears stain her cheeks as she speaks those words. 

I take her into my arms and kiss her hair. 

We sit like this for a while until Valeria storms into the bathroom. 

"Pablo, come now. Pedri has gotten into a fight!" She yells, looks like she sobered up. 

I jump up and follow her, taking Selena's hand so she's following me. 

When we arrive I see Pedri on top of some guy, punching him in his face. 

I want to walk over, but Selena doesn't let go of me. 

"What's wrong?" I ask her, seeing the shock on her face. 

"The guys that I told you about, they are the ones fighting with Pedri." She stammers. 

Those fuckers. 

I walk up to the other guy and tap him on the shoulder. 

The second he turns to me I connect my fist with his nose. 

He stumbles back and I can see blood coming out of his nose. 

He takes a step towards me and wants to swing at me, but I duck down and punch him in the stomach. 

Then my fist connects with his face once more until he hits the ground. 

I crouch down and take a look at him. 

"Next time you touch what's mine you won't be walking away, you'll crawl." I tell him and get up again. 

I see that Pedri is standing again and is holding Valeria. 

"Let's go home." He says, nodding his head to the door.


Sadly this is one of the last chapters of this story, but I'm still debating if I want to make a epilogue.

I really enjoyed writing this story and I think I learned a lot from it.

I don't want to stop writing, but I got a writing block, so maybe in the future I will write a book again.

Maybe leave some footballers or story ideas and I'll maybe get some inspiration.

Have a great night/day/morning! Love u lots🫶🏻

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