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Pablo and Pedri stop before the girls, but before one of them could say anything Camila pulls her mouth open. 

"Is it true?" Camila asks Pablo, who gives her a confused look. 

"Did you invite her to watch your training?" She fires at him. 

"Yes, I did. What's wrong with that?" He questions, making Camila sigh. 

"Maybe the fact that you have a girlfriend?" She hisses and rolls her eyes. 

Pablo looks at her and then switches his focus to Selena and Valeria. 

"So after training Pedri and I are going back to my house, you two wanna come?" He asks the girls, making Camila even more mad. 

"Now you're going to invite them to your house?" She almost screams at him. 

She quickly stands up and makes her way out. 

"Well that was fun. You have a lovely girlfriend." Selena says, looking at Pablo. 

He laughs and walks away to the changing room. 

"So are you two coming?" Pedri asks the girls. 

"Yeah sure." Selena and Valeria say in sync. 

Pedri smiles and runs after his teammate. 


They are now on their way to Pablo's and Selena is seated next to him. 

"I can't see their car anymore." Selena says, talking about Pedri and Valeria, who are in Pedri's car. 

"They will catch up soon, if traffic allows them." Pablo smiles, making Selena feel some type of way. 

Sure she only knows him for one day, but she must admit that he's cute. 

"I can feel you staring." Pablo says, getting Selena out of her thoughts. 

"Sorry, I zoned out for a bit." She says, looking the other way as she could feel her cheeks glow. 

"It's alright." He says. 

"I'm sorry about Camila by the way, I just hoped she wouldn't freak out." He says, making Selena look at him. 

She could see a mix of guilt and sadness on his face. 

"Does she do that a lot?" Selena asks him, seeing how his expression turns confused. 

"You know, lash out on you like that. I mean you didn't do anything wrong in my opinion. It even made me angry to see how she acted, not only towards you, but also towards me." She tells Pablo. 

"What did she say?" He asks. 

"Well she came towards us and the first thing she said to me was 'I haven't seen you here before' with the most arrogant face. Then she became mad at me because I told her that I haven't been on the training ground before and said to me 'Who do you think you are? You can look at me when you talk to me." Selena tries to imitate Camila's voice, making Pablo laugh. 

"Sounds like her." He agrees, making Selena laugh too. 

They arrive at Pablo's house and Selena sees that Pedri and Valeria are already here. 

"Yeah, I uhh, I took a detour so I could talk to you alone." Pablo says, looking at the ground as if he's ashamed. 

Selena walks over to him and takes him in a hug. 

"That's sweet." She says and lets go, a bit against Pablo's will. 

They walk inside and see Valeria and Pedri already sitting in the living room. 

Pedri smiles at Pablo, who gives him a wink. 

"Does anyone want something to drink?" Pablo asks and sees everybody nod. 

"I'll help you." Selena says and walks after him. 

Pablo opens the fridge and takes out the drinks, while Selena leans on the kitchen counter. 

"You know what's weird about you?" Pablo asks her, Selena looks confused. 

"No, tell me." She says, but Pablo only smiles. 

She walks over to him and helps him with the drinks. 

"Tell me." Selena says softly. 

Pablo sighs and stops with what he's doing. 

"I feel so safe and comfortable with you, but I don't even know you for two days." He leans on the counter and looks directly at Selena, making her nervous. 

"I feel the same about you. It's like it's easy with you." She answers, thumbling with her fingers. 

Pablo lays his finger under her chin, lifting it up so she is looking him right in the eye. 

"Why are you nervous?" He asks Selena. 

She looks at him and gives him a light smile. 

"Why do you think?" She asks him, looking down again. 

He takes his finger and slides it up and down her arm, slowly. 

"Do I make you nervous?" He whispers, making her breath hitch. 

"Pablo, we can't. You have a girlfriend." She quickly tells him, taking a step back. 

He looks at her, lifting his eyebrow. 

"Can't do what? I wasn't gonna do anything." He says bluntly and walks away. 

Leaving Selena in the kitchen. 

'What just happened?' She thinks to herself, before pulling herself together and walking back to the living room. 

She sits back down next to Pablo, but something feels different. 

Selena looks at Pedri and Valeria, seeing them looking next to Pablo. 

She takes a look and quickly looks away when she realises that Camila is sitting next to Pablo. 

"Fuck." She whispers to herself, but Pablo catched it. 

"What's wrong?" Pablo whispers back, looking down at Selena. 

'Did he really just ask that?' She thinks to herself. 

Before Pablo could say anything else she stands up, looking at Pedri. 

"Could you maybe drive me home? My mom needs me." She says, looking straight at Pedri. 

"I could drive you." Pablo tells her, but Selena ignores him and keeps looking at Pedri with a pleading look.

"Yeah sure, no problem. Do you also need a ride?" He asks Valeria, who was sitting next to him. 

"Yeah, sure." She says, quickly walking over to Selena. 

Selena looks over at Pablo, but now he doesn't dare to meet her eye. 

Without saying anything she walks out of the house, waiting for Pedri to open the car door. 

They all take a seat in the car and he drives out of the driveway. 

"Are you okay?" Pedri asks Selena, looking at her through his mirror. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." She answers and looks out of the window, feeling confused.

City lights of Barcelona// Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now