Chapter 10

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"Harry..." I finally said after what felt like hours. "Yes, babe?" He licked his lips as he checked me out.

 "Is there a reason why you're lying on my bed...completely naked?"

 "Is there something wrong with me being naked on your bed?" Harry asked, giving me an amused look. "Well, what would you do if you came home and I was just there on your bed naked?!" Oh wait, I knew that wouldn't help my case.

Harry smirked at me before answering, "I'd forget what I was going to do before, and jump on you." I rolled my eyes, knowing that his answer was going to be perverted before it even left his mouth. "Can you just put your clothes on for now? I have something important to talk about." I watched as he pouted, but then reluctantly hurried off to the bathroom and slipped his clothes on again.

When he returned, he was only wearing shorts (and hopefully boxers). He flaunted his chest and defined abs off, winking at me when he noticed me staring. I blushed and averted my stare to his handsome face. Seeing his hair surprised me, because it wasn't messy like it usually was. It hinted that he had tried styling it for once.

There were perfect ringlets that hung neatly around his face, with one accidentally falling in the middle of his forehead alone. Green, hypnotizing eyes gazed into mine, and we stayed like that for a while until he cleared his throat and sat on my bed. His long fingers reached out and intertwined with mine, before pulling me into his lap.

"So what do you need to talk about?" He asked; curiosity and minor anxiety was present in his voice. I gulped, suddenly nervous about what I was going to ask. "Babe, what's wrong?" His arm wrapped around me, turning me to the side so he could see my face. I'm not sure if I want to know his reply, but I need an answer.

"Are you seeing other girls?" I couldn't look in his eyes as I asked this. His eyes always told the truth, and it felt like cheating if I looked into them before he actually spoke. His hand extended up and held the side of my face affectionately. "No, why would you think that, Emmy?" His voice was carefully soft and almost soothing. Now's for the important question... "Would you even want me to be your girlfriend?" Again, I didn't take a peek into his emerald eyes.

"I, er, thought you already were." What?! He never even asked me, so how was I supposed to know that?? "No, Harry, you never asked me." My voice was firm as I made him aware. "Oh babe, I'm so sorry." In one swift motion, he gently pushed me off his lap and stood.

He positioned himself in front of me, kneeling on the ground. I thought he was going to ask me, but then he quickly said "wait!" before rushing out of my room. I heard my front door open and close, leaving me alone to sigh. What was he planning now?

I blankly watched the time on my alarm clock change the minutes, making it about 10 minutes since I last saw Harry. I could never wait patiently, so I got up and headed on to my kitchen. "I might as well make dinner for when mum and Harry come back," I told myself.

Although I didn't know where Harry went, I knew my mum was at work now. She teaches summer painting classes until 6PM about 4 times a week. She actually earns a good amount of money, considering she's a popular artist here in Cheshire. I was never any good at painting; my talent was drawing.

"Hmm, what do we have that I could make?" I questioned myself. I shuffled around in multiple cabinets and spied something simple: pasta. I grabbed the box and found tomato sauce to go with it. I got out random pots and pans, before finding the one I needed.


As I made the pasta, I watched the time from the kitchen clock; 20 minutes since Harry left. I guess he chickened out. I was hoping he'd do something cute to ask me though. I guess I'd been expecting too much from him. I almost sighed again, right as the front door opened. I didn't want to leave the pasta alone to burn the house down, so I called out, "Harry?!" I was left with no reply, causing all my fears to come creepily crawling towards me. That was until I saw Harry.

He was now wearing a tuxedo and he held a dozen velvet, red roses in his hands. I stopped stirring the pasta and focused on him as he walked, decreasing the distance between us. I gasped quietly when he knelt down on one knee again.

This time it felt different because he was more romantic. I thought I was going to experience that fairy tale ending...until he got up. "What-" He stopped me from speaking as he put a finger hastily to my lips. "Shhh," He smiled before going to the light switch and turning the dial so that the lights were dimmer. He came back to me with a spark in his eyes.

"Emery..." Oh no, he used my full name.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend...please?" He put on a cheeky grin as he held out the roses.

I took them from him thoughtfully before smiling brightly down to him.

"Of course I would."


Short chapter!

Yeah, yeah I know. Typical cheesy moment...I can't help it though!

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