Chapter 13

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Author's note: This started out as a filler but now it's slightly important and short.

I strode into the common room and threw myself into a plush seat closing my eyes. I heard the seat next to my creak.

"That girl is just insufferable." I said without opening my eyes.

"Who?" George's voice asked. My eyes flew open and I looked at George in surprise.

"I thought you were someone else." I said, standing. I turned to leave. I would just go to Hagrid's since Harry, that butthead, wouldn't come to me.

"Are you avoiding me?" He asked ignoring my attempt to escape.

"Why would you say that?" I asked nervously. Truth be told, I had been trying to avoid him but it's harder than you think.

"Really so you're not avoiding me?" George asked.

"Of course not." I said trying to sound sure.

"Then you won't mind sitting with me." George said smirking a little. I sighed and plopped back into the chair.

"I need your advice." He said.

"With what?" I asked, cuddling into the fluffy redness of the seat.

"Well I like this girl-" He said.

"I'm not good in helping relationships." I said quickly. He already like someone else! I can't help him with that. Grr! He is such a prick!

"Come on help a mate out!" George said turning to me for the first time.

"No!" I said, crossing my arms.

"Please! Pretty please with a cherry on top!" George pleaded, squirming in the chair.

"Fine." I sighed.

"Yay!" He squealed. Boys act like such girls sometimes.

"Tell me about her." I said. I did break his heart, the least I can do is help him get over me.

"Well, she's gorgeous and she's brilliant. She can play the best pranks. She is a fabulous Quidditch player. She'd do anything for her friends and her family even if they treat her like dirt. She doesn't like to show weakness and she can be a grade A bitch." George said looking at me.

"I don't think she sounds like your type." I said. The girl he likes sounds awesome, I guess it's good he's over me.

"You would like her." George said. With my luck it's Hermione.

"So how should I ask her out?" He asked. She follows all the criteria well except for the pranks and Quidditch, from what Harry told me she's terrible.

"She sounds like the type that just have to kiss and date." I said.

"Really." He said. I nodded. Maybe it's Lavender.

"What if she kissed me once and broke my heart." He asked.

"She doesn't deserve you then." I said quietly. George looked at me in surprise. Harry came in.

"Er.." Harry said.

"You're late." I said jumping up. I linked my arm with Harry's.

"Bye Harry, good luck at the game." George said. Fred came in and George went over to talk with him. I led Harry out with me.

"That was, um, awkward." Harry said.

"You came in at a bad moment." I said patting his arm.

"Hermione is sorry." Harry said.

"So am I." I replied not meaning the same thing.

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