Chapter 6

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"There look."


"Next to the tall kid with the red hair and the girl with the white hair."

"Wearing the glasses?"

"Did you see his face?"

"Did you see his scar?" I was already annoyed with the dream and now these people wouldn't leave Harry alone. Plus it was terribly hard to find my way. But too easy to get lost. There were a hundred and forty-two staircases at Hogwarts. Wide sweeping ones; narrow, rickety ones. Worst of all some led somewhere different on Friday and the dreaded vanishing step half way up that you had to remember to jump. How was I supposed to remember that! Then there were the door, none of them would work with me. But luckily they did with Harry. I guess doors don't like having obscene words yelled at them while being kicked. Harry had an absurd idea that the suits of armor could walk. I didn't believe him at first but now... The ghosts were useless, but it always made my day to see Peeves expression when he saw me. Argus Finch threatened to lock us in the dungeon. So, I threatened to set him on fire. Luckily Worm came along or else Finch would have become a nice Finch stick. Then that blasted she-devil of a cat Mrs. Norris! I gave her a good kick once. Then I got detention but I stand by my decision. Just wait Mrs. Norris, one day it'll just be you and me. Of all my classes, the worst was History of Magic which was taught by a ghost. Professor Binns tented to drone on in a monotone voice. My favorite class is Transfiguration taught by Professor McGongall. In our first lesson, we had to change our desks into pigs. I was the only one he actually did it, though Hermione came close. Dark Arts is a a joke. Worm is the perfect name for Professor Quirrel. Couldn't even take on a zombie.

"What have we got today?" Asked Harry.

"Double potions with Slytherin." I answered, filling my plate.

"Snape's head of the Slytherin house. They say he favors them; we'll find out today." Ron explained.

"I don't doubt it for a second." I said.

"I met him at Lucious's house once. He was a stuck up prick." I explained. Ron laughed. Just then the mail came. Hedwig gave Harry and me both a letter.

"Hope you don't mind me using Hedwig." I said.

"It's fine, I doubt Shadow can fly." Harry smiled opening his letter. I opened mine.

Dear Avery ,

I hope you've had fun. I can't seem to find my quill so this letter will be short.

"You're using it mum." I muttered.

I asked Dumbeldore how you were doing. He said you got detention for kicking Mrs. Norris. I'm proud of you, I've always hated that cat. I'm with you always.


Sage Duchess(mum)


Cade says to restrain yourself from killing Snape.

"That's hilarious! Cade thought I would listen to him." I laughed.

" Avery , we're having tea with Hagrid." Announced Harry.

"I might as well dig my grave now." I sighed. Potions was in the dungeon, fitting. Snape took roll then paused at Harry's name.

"Ah, yes our new celebrity." Snape said softly.

"You are here to learn the subtle and exact art of potion making. There is very little foolish wand waving here, many of you will really..." Snape droned.

"Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to a fusion of wormwood?" Said Snape. Hermione' s hand shot in the air.

"I don't know sir." Said Harry.

"Tut, tut, fame clearly isn't everything." Sneered Snape.

"Let's try again. Potter where would you look if I told you to find

me a bezoar?" Snape grinned. I chanted in my head goat stomach trying to send Harry the message.

"I don't know sir." Harry sighed. Telepathy doesn't work then.

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