Chapter 11

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Draco's face when he saw Harry and Ron, priceless. Harry filled us in on the package, we then brainstormed about why the package was heavily guarded.

"It's either really valuable or dangerous." Ron said sneaking a piece of my bacon.

"Or both." Harry said, I grabbed a bacon strip from Ron. He gave me a dirty look, I shrugged.

"Valuable and dangerous," I said, thinking out loud. What item do I know of that's both? Hermione still refused to speak to us, much to my relief. Harry and Ron planned revenge, while I gave suggestions. They seemed to like the plan that consisted of tricking Draco to get dressed as superman lock him in the girl's bathroom. Two owls dropped packages addressed to Harry on my breakfast.

"Get back here, you mangy beasts!" I exclaimed, jumping up trying to catch them.

" Avery look at this." Harry said, handing me a note.


It contains your Nimbus Two Thousand, but I don't want everyone knowing you got a broomstick or they're all want one. Oliver Wood will meet you tonight on the Quidditch field at seven o'clock for your first training lesson. Also I have a feeling Ms. Malfoy will come along;she has my permission. Her broom has been sent and placed in the common room by her brother.

Professor M. McGongall

"I love that women!" I squealed.

"A Nimbus Two Thousand!" Ron moaned.

"I've never even touched one." We left quickly, Harry really wanted to open his broom. Crabbe and Goyle stood barring the upstairs. Draco stole the package.

"Tsk, tsk, Draco." I said, grabbing the package from him.

"That's a broomstick! Potter you're in for it this time!" Draco said. He turned to me with a frown on his face.

"What are you doing out of bed?" He asked.

"Wrong! Better question, why'd you set up my friends brother dear?" I said crossing my arms. Ron finally broke. I guess the temptation was too much.

"It's not any old broomstick," He said. I groaned, way to keep it on the down low Weasley,

"It's a Nimbus Two Thousand. What did you have at home Malfoy, a Comet Two Sixty? Comets look flashy but they're not in the same league as the Nimbus." Ron grinned at Harry.

"He's right; I can fly circles around him on mine." I said.

"What would you know about it Weasley, you couldn't afford half the handle. I suppose you and your brothers have to save up twig my twig." Draco said smirking. I slapped Draco hard enough that my handprint was on his face in bright red.

"Just because we're rich does not mean, we can treat people like dirt. Don't treat people like Lucious treats us." I whispered only loud enough that Draco could hear.

"Not arguing I hope, children?" He squeaked. I jumped, Flitwick must be a ninja there is no other reason he could come up to me without me realizing. Then again, he's not even tall enough to see the hand print on Draco's face, so maybe he's just short.

"Potter's been sent a broomstick, Professor," Malfoy said quickly. I guess my speech had no effect. I thought it was rather good, now I'm hurt.

"Yes, yes that's right," Said Professor Flitwick beaming at Harry. Oh so, he can see Harry's face but now Draco's. That's just sexist. Oh, that means Draco's a girl. That's not possible! Ugh, I make no sense.

"And it's really thanks to Malfoy here that I've got it," Harry added. I just missed half the conversation. How can I being doing as well as Hermione in class. I have trouble paying attention so how can be such genius? We went up the steps, laughing softly.

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