Chapter 15

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It was nearly Christmas, and the castle was getting colder. I was starting feel bad for people staying home. At the same time I was eager to get home. I could taste the roasted chestnuts. We walked into Potions and today I sat with Harry and Ron sat with Hermione.

"I feel so sorry for all the people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home." Draco said.

"I didn't know you were staying at Hogwarts." I said. Draco got red as everyone laughed. I was so angry at Draco he kept making comments about Harry's family because Slytherin lost. I guess I'll go tall to Professor McGongall about staying here. Goodbye chestnuts. We walked out of potions. Hagrid was struggling with a fir tree.

"Need help Hagrid?" Ron asked.

"I'm all right." Said Hagrid puffing behind the tree.

"Would you mind getting out of the way." Draco said.

"I promise you Draco if you make one comment on Ron's family-" I said.

"You're just upset because you're dating one of them. He's only dating you because you're rich." Draco said. Ron and I jumped on him at the same time Snape came down.

"He was provoking them Professor." Hagrid said hastily defending us.

"It does not matter. Ten points for Gryffindor." Snape said.

We walked away.

"I hate them both." Harry said.

"Don't be angry, it's nearly Christmas." Hagrid said.

"I don't care Hagrid I am putting a lion in his office. 1, 2, 3." I said. A scream issued from the office at three. I smiled satisfied as we walked into the dining hall. It was decked with holly, like that American Christmas carol. Hagrid pit the tree at the end of a row of them.

"How many days left til yeh holiday?" Hagrid asked.

"Shouldn't we be at the library." I said.

"You're right." Hermione said.

"I'm always right," I replied. Harry groaned and gave me a dirty look.

"Gettin a early start are ye?" Hagrid asked.

"We're looking for Nicholas Flame." Harry supplied.

"Flame's got nothin to do with what Dumbeldore's guarding." Hagrid said.

"We're curious." Ron said.

"I think I know who he is I'm just trying to remember." I said. We all left for the library. We didn't find anything useful and the librarian kicked us out. She is certainly not a secretly sexy and daring librarian. I woke up on Christmas day with presents all over the floor. I groaned and covered my head with my blanket. I fell asleep again.

" Avery ?" Harry asked. I opened my eyes. George had picked me up and was holding me in the boy's dorm. I was wearing a green sweater with a giant white M and jeans.

"Ok, who put me in clothes?" I asked.

"I swear I didn't do it!" George said.

"Cara dressed you." Fred said. Harry opened the present I gave him. In it was Quidditch Through the Ages.

"Thanks!" Harry exclaimed.

"Welcome." I said yawning. George out me down, so he could harass Percy with Fred. We went and ate the delicious feast. George handed me a box of roasted chestnuts. I squealed in glee.

"I heard you talking about-" George said but I cut him off with my lips on his. I pulled back.

"I need to give you chestnuts more often." George said. Later that night I stayed up in the common room. I heard footsteps down the stairs but I couldn't see anything.

"Who's there?" I said, taking out my wand. Harry appeared holding a cloak.

"You got an invisibility cloak!" I said happily.

"I'm going down to the restricted section want to come?" Harry asked.

"Restricted's my middle name." I said.

"Really?" Harry asked, as we went into the hall under the cover of the cloak.

"No, my middle name is Rowan." I said. Harry opened a book in the restricted section. It screamed and we hastily shut it. I heard Filch coming.

"Come on, Harry!" I said tugging in him. He yielded and we went into a slightly open door. After the voices had receded. I inspected the room. It was an unused classroom. Off center was a object covered by a sheet. Harry took off the sheet. Under it was a clawed mirror, with an inscription at the top: Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on woshi. Harry stepped in front of the mirror and had a little panic attack.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"I see my family." He said. I stepped in front of it. Harry disappeared and I stood with my mom and a blurry person beside. We left and I went to bed trying to figure out what if meant.

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