Chapter 9

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Today was the day we would learn to ride an Ilu, we had been with the Metkayina clan for a couple of days now.

Tsireya had taught us some basic underwater sign language, some breathing techniques and shown us many magical things surrounding the reef. I was so excited to ride again, my heart was empty without Meelo so I am hungry to form a bond to hopefully make that missing part of me whole again.

I get up before the rest of the Sully's and make my way into the ocean plunging into the depths to practise my breathing before the day to get a head start. The last thing I wanted to do was mess up infront of Ao'nung and all of his friends so they could laugh at me.

Whilst swimming around the reef I noticed someone swimming a little further out into the distance. I squint and notice it is Tsireya. I signal a hello to her and beckon her up towards air so I could speak to her properly. I enjoyed Tsireya, she was extremely beautiful and soft spoken, unlike her brother.

'Hey you, what're you doing up so early?' She asks.
'Just practising my breathing and preparing myself for today' I laugh at her approving nod.

'You have learnt the way of water quick, I am confident you will excel in learning to ride our sea creatures.'

This meant a lot to me hearing her say this as it made me feel much more at ease at what lay ahead of me today. She squints at my hair, 'is that a new bead?' She questions.

I'm surprised by this because I wouldn't have expected her to notice. I blush however and look down at my feet that are treading the water allowing me to stay up.
'Lo'ak made it for me' Her smile widened, 'oh yes, Lo'ak your boyfriend, the slow learner - no offence' she chuckled in amusement.

My what now?

'Lo'ak is not my boyfriend, I've only known him for a couple of weeks after all.' I explain to Tsireya. Why would she think Lo'ak is my boyfriend? Her hand covers her mouth immediately, eyes wide.

'Oh I'm so sorry Mai, I didn't mean to make things weird. Oh Eywa, why did I assume!' She exclaimed leaving me the one chucking now at her stricken panic.

'It's okay, it's confusing really, he says all these things to me and given me an identical bead to his, yet he doesn't make a move or tell me how he feels. I said I see him, but like really said it. I don't know if he sees me as a sibling, like Kiri or something.'

I sigh leaning myself onto my back in the water allowing myself to float, closing my eyes and feeling the beating sun against my skin.

'Skxawng' Tsireya responds shaking her head, 'that boy is madly in love with you, anyone can see it by the way he just looks at you. Mai he gave you a replica of his head in his braids, you may aswell be one!'

I ponder on her response for a minute as she waits
patiently for a reply. When she doesn't get one, she places a hand on my arm and says 'it'll work out in the end. Lo'ak will come round to opening up, maybe he's shy. Anyway catch you later, I must help father now.' I let out a thank you and a see you soon to her as she swims off to the shore of the village.

I lift my hands up to my face and drag them across my cheeks letting out a groan. As exasperated as I am, talking to Tsireya was really nice. I hadn't really had a proper girl friend before so it was nice to get some sisterly advice.

Neteyam went first to ride the Ilu, he made the bond with ease and glided through the water gracefully not slipping up once, we are not surprised by this but it earned an approving nod from Ao'nung and Roxto. Lo'ak was next which made me extremely nervous, I silently prayed to Eywa he wouldn't mess up and fall off.

I watch as he leans back on the Ikran to grab his Tsaheylu which would allow him to make the bond, he seems calm, so therefore I should be calm. Ilu can probably sense worry or something. He makes the connection which causes the sea creature to stir almost making Lo'ak fall off straight away. I grimace as I hear the two boys laugh behind me, I could tell Lo'ak heard them too as he immediately willed the sea creature forward.

The sea creature was going so quick we could all barely see it. I share a worried glance with Neteyam and Tsireya and we all dove underwater to see what get a better look at what was going on. Lo'ak was spinning in the water, bond broken and the Ilu was swimming happy circles around him. I brought my head up past the surface and sighed at the cackles that died down as soon as Neteyam hissed at them for taking the piss out of his brother.

'Next time' I reassured Lo'ak as he came swimming back to us.

It was my turn now, I slipped onto the Ilu and leaned onto him breathing in deeply feeling the heartbeat. I connected myself to the Ilu, making sure my breathing was controlled. I willed him forward slowly under the water gliding around. I breathed a sigh of relief as I realised it was going well.

All of a sudden my Ilu jumped out of the water at such high speeds that when I plunged back in the connection was broken.

'Shit' I grumbled as I swam back over to the group. I was greeted by Lo'ak who raised his two hands over my ears as if to tell me to ignore the laughter from behind us. I was so mad at the bullies behind us mocking us.

We all got out of the water after Tsireya told us we would try again later. We were greeted by Roxto, Ao'nung and his friends circling me Lo'ak and Kiri. Neteyam was in deep conversation with Tsireya at the other end of the beach.

'You guys will never learn you're worse than babies' Ao'nung sneered at us making me lower my eyes at the sand. I felt a rage bubbling inside me and I could tell Lo'ak felt the same. Kiri rolled her eyes and spoke calmly,

'Just leave us alone.' This just made the boys laugh. For the second time I felt a pull at my tail and I yelped with pain causing Lo'ak to storm forward and grab Ao'nung by his neck piece with such grip he was almost being lifted off the ground.

'Touch her again fish lips, and it's the last thing you'll ever do.'  Lo'ak hissed to him. I felt happy but also embarrassed, he always seems to be fighting my battles for me.

'Hey, HEY, back off.'

Neteyam was strutting over with a grave voice.

He was in his protective big brother mode. This made Ao'nung stop and Lo'ak let go of him immediately. Neteyam made a hand gesture as if to say let's go so we all started to walk away from the situation when we heard a voice from behind us once more.
'Hey Lo'ak, you're a lucky guy. Mai does look good from behind.'

Lo'ak stopped dead in his tracks causing a warning look from Neteyam.

'I got this bro.' Lo'ak says calmly. He turns around and walks over to Ao'nung showing him his hand before landing 3 punches straight at Ao'nung's face. My hands flew to my mouth as I watched the fight unfold. 6 of them VS Lo'ak?

I heard Neteyam sigh as he ran forward and joined the fight. Looking back I see Kiri laugh and walk away at the state of her two brothers. I walked over to the brawl and ripped Lo'ak and a Neteyam away from the grasps of the Reef People.

'Jake is going to fucking kill you.' I say dragging them away from the fight. Neteyam grimaced knowing what was to come but Lo'ak's face remained emotionless.

I leaned over to touch his shoulder but he shook it off quickly and carried on staring ahead.

The Bond of The Forest - Lo'ak X Reader  Where stories live. Discover now