Chapter 21

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A/N- hugpeg write this chapter and I edited it

Demi's POV

I sat with Sammie while she gets all her homework finished so I know she gets it all done. Sammie finally got her homework done, it took like 4 hours, where I was thinking it was only going to take her 2 hours, but it took her 4 hours to get it done, so I'm exhausted, and I'd assume she is too. So I got up and tell her to put her stuff away and I go upstairs to be with Lucas, I only saw him for a few minutes when he got home and he said I need to talk to you about something. I was wondering what it is about and I hope it's not bad. As I got upstairs I check on the boys and they are passed out, then I went to the room and close the door, then went over to Lucas who was watching TV, so I went over kiss him and said

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask

"I wanted to talk about Tyler" he says

"And not another child failing classes is it?" I ask him and he laughs and says "No. It's actually about how I got custody of him. He is actually my nephew" he tells me

"I know that, what happened?" I ask

"Well my sister, who is his mom had him young and was always saying Tyler ruined her life, which she says is why she got on drugs, coke, heroin you name it, she did it. And when Tyler was two years old she dropped off Tyler with nothing but a note that said I can't deal with him. I'm leaving. He's too much for me" Lucas tells me. By the time Lucas finished telling me this I was angry, Tyler is such a sweet boy, he is has such a big heart

"She's leaving?" I yelled

"Yeah" Lucas says

"No! She's too much for hurting him like that!" I say angrily. But little did I know, Sammie was standing outside the door hearing 'she's leaving', thinking Demi is talking about her


Sammie's POV

When mom left to go upstairs, she said good job. I mean I know I should have better grades but it is hard for me. So I put my stuff away and put it by the door for tomorrow. I go upstairs to talk to mom and say I'm sorry but all I heard was 'she leaving' from the door. Tears started rolling down. I should have known that Demi was going to give me up, everybody gives me up. But it's all my fault, I always push them away. Maybe if I was a better student or daughter, she wouldn't give me away. But it's too late I'm going to leave first, so she doesn't have to get rid of me

I go to my room and look around, knowing I won't see any of this anymore, which made me cry harder but I just wipe my face and grab a backpack, then I started packing. I even took some of the pictures Demi and I. But I took some clothes, a little blacket and the little dinosaur that Demi give me when she found out I loved dinosaurs. I'm going to miss her but she wants me gone. I open my window and took one last look at the room, then I climb out the window, to the ground. Once I got down I realized where I was going to go, the place that felt special to me

Demi POV

After Lucas told me what happened with the Tyler, I was upset at how can you do that to such a sweet boy? But Lucas and I just vowed to give him a better life. We both went to sleep soon after laying in bed cuddling

*2 Hours Later*

I wake up and have to go to the bathroom so I untangle from Lucas and went in the bathroom, did my business then I check on the kids. But when I got into in the hallway Sammie's door was open and she never leaves her door open. So I kinda panic and run into her room and she has gone even her little dinosaur that I give her and some pictures were gone. I started crying what if she run away? What if she got kidnapped?!?! What if she's dead or something?!?! I run back to our room and wake Lucas up

"Babe woke up! Sammie's gone!" He woke up

"What how?" He asks me. I'm sobbing at this point

"I don't know, she's not in her room and some pictures and her dinosaur are gone" I say as I break down

"Clam down babe, I'll go drive around to see if I can find her" Lucas tells me

"Yes, I need to calm myself down and hope she'll come back" I say in the middle of sobbing

Lucas' POV

I didn't even put on a shirt, just my shoes, keys and I run out the door. I tell Demi to stay here in case Sammie comes back

*5 Minutes Later*

I have drove down the block 4 times and I do see her. I'm a little scared of what I'm about to find. I go to see if she's at the park

Demi's POV

I'm sobbing on couch thinking my little girl is gone. What if it was something I did? I open my phone and look throught the pictures there was one that I love because Sammie told me she never done this before and said thank you for adopting me. Then I realized where she was, I grab my keys and drove

*20 Minutes Later*

I look around the lake looking for Sammie, hoping that she here, I was praying. I look and I saw a small shadow by the lake and I run over to it. And it was Sammie

"Samantha" I say loudly and sammie jumps up and she looks scared and sad. I grab her and started hugging her and kissing her telling her everything was going to be ok and I'm sorry

Sammie's POV

Mom should be sorry, she was going to throw me out, but wait why she is like this, I was doing her a favor. I push her away

"Leave me alone I'm doing you a favor" I tell her

"Baby what are talking about?"

"I heard you talking to Lucas and you she too much and that you are done"

"No baby I was talking about how Tyler's mom that give tyler up with a note saying he too much. That wasn't directed at you. I love you" mom tells me sincerely

Demi's POV

Sammie thought I was talking about her and My heart broke. I grab her stuff and her hand and get in the car and drive home. Once we got home I ask Lucas if he can sleep in the guest room he said that's fine, where was she?

"I'll explain later" I tell Lucas. I pull Sammie into my room and let her lay with me, she was cuddling with me

"Baby I'm serious I won't ever get rid of you. You are stick with me" mom tells me

A/N- Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I've been having a hard time, moving a lot and I think I have writers block also because I have also been having a hard time writing. If anyone has ideas for any of my stories or if you'd like to help me write a story let me know please!

- ❤Bridget

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