Chapter 26

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Sammie POV

Tonight I want to sneak out and go to a party my mom and Lucas would not approve of. There will be drinking alcohol there plus I think I overheard somebody say something about bringing pot which I want to try at least once

*Supper time*

We all sat down at the table to eat homemade pizza

I get done with mine and I ask to be excused from the table. Mom said yes you may so I go to my room to plan how I'm going to sneak out tonight

After everyone is in bed I sneak out the front door but I make sure my window is unlocked first then I go to the party

I get to the party and my friends yell "hey Sammie" I go over to them and talk to them

"How'd you get out?" My friend Tyra asks me

"I waited till everyone was asleep and I snuck out the front door very quietly" I tell her

Someone offered me a beer I said no then someone offered me a joint and I tried it. I love it but it's getting late I better get home before mom wakes up worried about me

While I'm at the party Tyler gets in trouble at home because he covered for me. He gets the hairbrush on his bare bottom

I tell everyone bye and that I had to go then I went back home and snuck back in the house through my bedroom window because the front door was locked. I got in the room met with one angry mom with a hairbrush in her hand

"Where have you been young lady?" Mom asks in a worried tone

"I went to a party with some friends mom I'm fine" I tell mom

"No your not I can tell you are stoned" mom said

"Ok I'll admit I smoked a joint but that's it Mom" I say trying to convince mom I was fine but she didn't believe it

"Get your butt over here  and over my lap now" mom demanded

I do as she said and went over her knee she started spanking me almost immediately


"Now I ever catch you sneaking out to go to a party again I'll take a big paddle to your bare bottom. Do you understand me young lady" mom asks me sternly

"Yes ma'am it won't happen again" I promise mom

"Oh yeah and your grounded for a month for sneaking out to a party and smoking pot" mom tells me

"Get to bed ok" mom tells me

"Yes ma'am" I tell mom

Mom cuddled me for a little while then goes to bed
After mom leaves I change into my pajamas and go to bed

*morning time*

I wake up and get changed for the day then go to the kitchen for breakfast

It was waffles and orange juice for breakfast I ate it all

Lucas came to the kitchen and sat down by me

"How was the party" Lucas asks me

"I don't want to talk about it I already got by butt busted for it" I say a little annoyed

"Ok I heard you did pot?" He questions me

"Yes I did but I did not drink and someone did offer me a beer" I say

"Well I'm proud that you didn't drink but you should not have smoked weed Either" Lucas scolds me

"I know mom already got on to me for it" I say
Mom comes up asking what she got on to me about I tell her and she scolds me again

"Mom I told you last night I wouldn't do it again" I say a little but frustrated

Tyler comes to the kitchen

"Thanks Sammie I got my butt beat last night for covering for you" Tyler tells me

"You didn't have to cover for me you could have told mom where I was" I tell Tyler

"I guess your right I could've told where you was" says Tyler

"Don't worry I got my butt beat with a hairbrush last night" I tell Tyler

"So did I" Tyler told me

"I'm Sorry I got you in trouble for covering for me" I apologize to Tyler

"It's alright sis don't worry about it" Tyler tells me

We hug them get on with the day

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